fighting depression and failure

Here I am 45 years old and starting this diet thing again. I feel defeated not being able to run as far as I could. I feel lost in myself and I need to be a positive inspiration for my kids. I blame everything on my ex husband because he is the one who messed up and I cant seem to move forward. I have taken it out on myself and now I need help in getting going. I am hoping that being on here putting myself out there I can make the move I need to get thinner and healthier so I feel better about myself. Could use some buddies


  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! I fight depression and frustration. I look at the cute clothes and want to be in them NOW! But just remember that if we stick with this, NOW will be so much sooner than If we don't. I blamed my health and a sad family situation and felt stuck. I'm so glad you took control because that's what I did, too. :drinker:
  • reneemcdonut
    sent request. And I used to blame my ex on everything going wrong in my life, until I took control of myself. I didn't have a problem with weight, only alcohol. If I can overcome that, I can overcome 20 lbs! Accept my friend request and I will be a friend !
  • dlopez907
    dlopez907 Posts: 27
    So proud of you in making the decision to join MFP. This its a great site for encouragement, motivation, and support. Welcome aboard good luck in your journey. . Feel free to add..
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    As you start eating better and exercising, the depression will lighten up. Try quitting sugar and exercise hard for one minute before eating anything.