Hey everyone! :)

A little backstory about me .. I'm 23, F, 5"10 and 187 pounds right now. Oh and I am also Vegan ( I have been vegatarian since OCT 2013 and pretty much gained a bunch of weight because I was a junk food vegatarian ) Decided to go full vegan and eat the best I can! Starting now (few weeks in) . yay... So anyway my overall goal is to become a bikini type bodybuilder/ model and maintain this body type which I have read into a little on basicllay saying my end weight to maintain is around 132.5 which obviously is on the lowest side of the BMI thing. I basically want to be extremly ripped haha but not huge like the actual bodybuilders

I might change it once I get closer who knows what my body will want ...
The sad thing is I was down to 158 lbs two years ago getting closer to my overall goal and I could tell I had a lot more I could lose. So the overall goal seems resonable enough for now to achive.

Even sadder is that I gained it all back and then lost it TWO TIMES ... I have this bad habit of yo-yoing my body weight.. I will do very well.. lose 30 pounds but then gain it all back.. lose it then gain it ... however I'm ready to make a serious comitment to myself and not overeat like I have been. I know I can lose it but I need help once I get to say 155 lb to get to the next level ...of 132.5

SO right now my plan is to do the P90X routine for 90 days which I have done before and It works btw lol
I did my first video today and ab ripper x ...couldn't do it very well like I use to but I will get back at it. :) but I have questions mostly regarding my diet!

basically the P90X diet plan is this :

PHASE ONE - 30 days

PROTEIN 50% CARBS 30 % FAT 20% - obv this is to lose the excess weight very quickly

PHASE TWO - next 30 days

P- 40% C-40% F- 20%

LAST PHASE - last 30 days and ongoing forever ??

P -20 % C-60% F-20% - lots of carbs for energy

and I am in LEVEL TWO so calories would be 2400 calories since this allows like 600 for workouts I guess.

IS 2400 CALORIES TO MUCH????? I feel today eating every 2.5 hours ( 6 small meals ) that it seems about right. But when I lose weight I might be in LEVEL ONE and need less ???? DO I CHANGE MY CALORIES BASED ON WEIGHT? Or is 2400 calories good for my ideal 132.5 frame ??? keep in mind I will tend to be very active and burn a lot of calories. everyday .. also my job is outside year round so i'm constantly moving.. I figure once I heal my body from all the bad eating that my body will be very efficent in allowing this calorie allowence.. but maybe not?

second question part
So today I tried my best to eat heally and space out meals ... I also have added vegan protein powder for after my workout and a protein bar later on for a snack. However so far today I am eating more like I am in phase TWO

ate way to many carbs .. but seriously they want you to have one serving of a carb.. pretty hard to do ..:(

and apparently this website is saying i need to eat 300 grams of protein so its 50% of my diet ..??? like how?? is that right I feel like it's not ... I'm so confused .., :/ I ate tofu and a veggie burger today .. so far I think I managed to eat over 1800 calories .. check out my diary for today...still have a snack to eat which is going to be celery and some almond butter at 930 then thats all for today. I feel good not staving but feel lighter in my belly.

I know once you are in shape protein is not that important but will it be for my bikini model goal?

anyway I have a headache trying to sort my diet out ... its really hard to get the percentage spot on is all i can say. any help or advice will be helpful! THANKS!

... sorry this is long and confusing haha


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    P90x diet splits the entire population into three camps so it isnt exactly tailored to fit you exactly. It would be like picking out a pair of jeans as a size medium.

    If yo don't mind satisfying my curiosity how on earth do you do a 50/30/20 pro fat carb macro balance as a vegan?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    P90x diet splits the entire population into three camps so it isnt exactly tailored to fit you exactly. It would be like picking out a pair of jeans as a size medium.

    If yo don't mind satisfying my curiosity how on earth do you do a 50/30/20 pro fat carb macro balance as a vegan?
    Agree with this and also very interested to know how a vegan gets 300 grams of protein a day. You said 2400 calories so 50% would be 1200 calories so that's 300 grams. Just so you know I'm 200 lbs, male, 6'1, and I only need around 160 grams of protein a day to maintain lean mass... Not sure why you would ever want to get in 300 grams of protein daily. This illustrates the problem with macro ratios and why they really shouldn't be used. They are a very 90's way of dieting.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I think it moreso may be more research on your part, since your dietary needs may be different than a lot of us on the forums.
    The protein seems extremely high...unless you're doing some serious lifting as part of your routine. I personally aim for around 83 per day. I've seen a lot of suggestions on here for the forums to eat more protein if you're lifting and doing strength training, in order to replenish muscle. (Anyone, please correct me if i'm wrong!)

    Maybe you could benefit from finding a vegan group on here, and finding out what people eat to meet their goals? And maybe seeing if you can find anything online from vegan bodybuilders, to see what they're doing to succeed? I honestly think that's your best route of success! Don't just trust one sourrce; research multiple sources, and make the best choice possible. Especially following a vegan diet and pursuing the goals you have, it'll only help you in the end to find a way to eat right, fuel your body, while following your dietary and personal preferences.

    Good luck!
  • nrida
    nrida Posts: 31 Member
    Thats great that your a vegan. I am also trying eat less animal products. I also seem to yo-yo during summer and winter.

    That does seem like a lot of protein, but since you're a female might it be different. Also I am aiming to be leaner so I don't eat to much foods with protein, but aiming more on carbs.

    I like hemp or brown rice protein. Also spinach is high in protein.
    WSMEH Posts: 1 Member
    Hey There, has some really great articles on vegetarian/vegan diets for losing fat and gaining muscle. There also used to be a trainer under 'Find a Plan' that was vegan and she included a vegan fitness model diet. I just tried to do a quick search but I couldn't find her easily. If you have some time to find her it would be a great diet to model.

    As for the diet you are starting, I'm just wondering where you got the number of calories from? 2600 calories is a LOT of calories for a woman, especially a woman trying to lose weight. Typically, to lose weight a woman would eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Women typically don't need more than 2000 calories unless they are doing some extremely strenuous training, like Iron Man. I've just started a meal plan with the same macro ratio as yours but at approximately 1500 calories. I would end up taking in about 150g of protein per day. I've looked around and Muscle and Fitness Hers (and various online sites) and the fitness training diets are all very similar.

    Here's a link to the one I'm following, however, it's not vegan but will give you an idea of a diet with the same macronutrient breakdown.

    I'm using a vegan protein powder as whey bothers my stomach. It's Vega Performance Pro protein powder, which is a protein blend of pea, saviseed, alfalfa and brown rice protein. It has good texture and taste and is 26g protein per serving. The blend of various types of proteins provides a complete amino acid profile.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
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