Need some workout advice

I'm a complete beginner and I tried doing insanity but it was just too much for me... I was nearly passing out so I quit that quickly and I've carried on a little bit but I need some workouts to drop fat and tone up I dont want to loose weight I just want to tone. But I've heard its easier if you drop fat and tone rather than tone whats there already. So can anyone help me with some workouts and some advice generally


  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Do you have any exercise classes near you that you can join?

    I find them more motivating than other exercises and the instructor will guide you to be at the right level for your ability at the time. Plus you notice your progress really quickly.

    I do quite a lot of the Les Mills classes, such as Body Pump and CX Worx and they do far more for me than aimlessly using gym equipment or giving up when things get hard if I'm working out at home.

    You could always do things like hill walking too, which will burn the caloriess and work the legs.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Cardio, which insanity and pretty much very DVD program is, allows you more calories to eat and is great for conditioning and heart health. It will not "tone" you except help you lose weight and uncover muscle that is already there. What you need is a strength training program built aground progressive loading. Go read "Starting Strength" or "Stronglifts."
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Cardio, which insanity and pretty much very DVD program is, allows you more calories to eat and is great for conditioning and heart health. It will not "tone" you except help you lose weight and uncover muscle that is already there. What you need is a strength training program built aground progressive loading. Go read "Starting Strength" or "Stronglifts."

    I agree to an extent. I found 30 day shred had enough body weight exercises (and I was so out of shape) that I found my strength increased a bit doing that...enough that I could do non modified pushups within 10 days of doing them.

    As for other programs if you aren't ready to start lifting heavy (which I do and love and highly recommend) try things like convict conditioning or google bodyweight circuts. has some good workouts where you can search for things like equipment used etc.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Cardio, which insanity and pretty much very DVD program is, allows you more calories to eat and is great for conditioning and heart health. It will not "tone" you except help you lose weight and uncover muscle that is already there. What you need is a strength training program built aground progressive loading. Go read "Starting Strength" or "Stronglifts."

    This is good advice and I'll add one thing. If you are really out of shape and don't have the ability to start a progressive weight program like mentioned above, NerdFitness has a great body weight program for beginners. It requires little equipment (and suggests substitutions if necessary) and really helped me improve my strength before moving on to the barbell.
  • kirstymarian
    kirstymarian Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing the 30 day shred and it's working for me!
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    How about some cardio, such as elliptical, in combination with Blogilates?
  • picotons
    picotons Posts: 14
    I honestly think Insanity is hard on beginners. I have done P90X and INsanity and they were both challenging as a non-fitness lever person.. I am currentlly doing T25 and I think it is SO MUCH EASIER. There is a modified version with each moves that any beginners can follow. Email me if you have questions!