
mccorml Posts: 622 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
is this a good workout program? how much weight should i expect to lose? do i have to follow the diet plan i can eat healthy but im really picky


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    It's a great workout program, but if you have any issues with your knees be forewarned that it is pretty high impact. As far as weight loss, I think it would be easy to reach your goal of losing 29 lbs as long as you eat right. The diet plan has been tested by the test groups and is there in the complete package. However, if you don't eat certain things, you should be able to find a reasonable substitute. Do you already have the program or are you just thinking about ordering it?
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    It is high, high intensity. It works if you follow the calendared schedule. Be prepared to eat a high protein diet plus fruits and veggies and drink A LOT of water. I didn't follow the diet plan but I followed a low carb/high protein diet on my own. You will lose more inches than actual "weight." So be sure to take a "BEFORE" picture and measurements and then take your measurements each time you do the fitness test. It is NOT easy but it does work if you truly stick to it.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i already have it and my diet isnt really too too bad i eat like whole wheat peanut butter sandwhiches for lunch but i spread it out so i eat like 2 whole ones through out the day and like oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast and usually brown rice or veggies for dinner so its not like im eating crappy and yah my knees are not a problem im just not good at cardio i can do pushups and stuff but i just lose interest quick in things that arent fun is it atleast fun? and im starting next week cuz my moms wedding is this weekend and i know theres gonna be food and beer so i need to try and eat healthy haha and then start working it off monday
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Well, it sounds like you will do well then. Track your food on MFP so that you can see your calories; as backwards as it seems, you need to eat enough calories to lose weight. Shaun does a good job expressing how many calories you need in the fitness guide.

    Is it fun? I think it is. I haven't done all of the DVDs yet, we've done Plyo Cardio Circuit and Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. The warm-up is about 17 minutes and then it's about 20 minutes of pure sweat in PCC and PC; Cardio Abs is just about 20 minutes long. They all go by fast, which is always a plus in my book. Be prepared to work and sweat and also to not be able to do everything from the get-go. You will need breaks and that is ok. Don't be discouraged, just do your best. :D
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    thanks for the info :D im excited i already dont drink sodas and i dont break my diet ridiculously bad and im excited i convinced my room mate to do it at the same time as me hopefully he stops *****ing and this raises his self esteem haha but he has no diet habits
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I hope you can at least do some moderate cardio for a good amount of time and have a hrm because insanity is basically hiit training and very difficult. MAke sure you set your calories near the insanity guide or you will bonk

    It is a great workout, the high from working that hard is incredible. Like the other poster, I lost more inches than pounds but had drastic changes in my physique as I built muscle and lost fat.

  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    BTW you will be to busy to get bored, not much resting. He is always moving, no long talk breaks like Tony Horton.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    do i really need a heart rate monitor?
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    You don't need one, but I always prefered to wear it. I like to know how hard I just worked.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    do you know one that has like calorie predictor and hrm for around 50 i dont really feel like i need to buy one as good as polar yet
  • Hi!

    I have a timex one. Cost me around $65 and has a chest strap that you can replace the batteries yourself. It's a great HRM. I love mine.

    I just started Insanity last week. Day 5 completed this morning. It is an awesome workout and yes you will need to take breaks and won't be able to do everything right from the get go. But talk about a workout! This morning was the plyo-cardio.. Kicked my butt, but I felt great afterwards!!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    alright!! good job haha you seeing any results yet? :)
  • I am seeing a few results so far. I have some definition where I've never had it before.

    I haven't seen any progress on the scale yet, but I have to clean up my eating and start tracking again. I've decided to go with mini meals throughout the day and see if that gets things moving.


    Let me know how it goes for you!!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    ugh i cant wait to start but its midweek :/
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    I just finished my first week and now on my rest day. This definitely is one crazy workout! Honestly I don't know how anyone could do the whole program and not see results...My first week I am down around 4 lbs. Which is great because I was plateaued for a while in my weight loss. As far as inches go, I think I'm only down about .5 of an inch in my waist and hips. But I think that is still pretty good considering it has only been a week!!!

    Good luck with Insanity! I'm sure you'll love the program and not be bored from it!!!
  • I started last wednesday, (no need to wait til Monday) I just tick off the workouts on the calendar and go from there.

    Do you already have the DVDs or waiting for them to arrive?
  • Great job on the loss!! That's awesome!!!
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    ugh i cant wait to start but its midweek :/

    I started mid week too, not such a big deal I don't think....I needed to have Wednesdays as rest days, so it works perfect for me :smile:
  • That's great!!

    Sure is a butt kicker of a program hey? lol

    Just hearing the words "plyo cardio" scares me!! HAHAHAH!!!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    :/ my moms wedding is this weekend and while i could bring my laptop with it i think it would be wierd haha so ill just start next week plus im gonna probably blow my eating habits this weekend
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