Easy and simple excercise

LiaNa2210 Posts: 20 Member
Hi all, im a newbie in this website *i just joined 2 days ago*. And of course, i just recently start to workout.
Can u pls suggest some good excercise for a beginner? I just cant do some hard excercise like sit up and push up. I need simpler and easier one.
i already tried, jumping jacks, running up and down stair, running/jogging, dance (random dance or from video), squat, jump rope, some leg stretching, and hip raise. Can u recommend excercise other than this? Thanks before. And sorry for my bad english.

And.. some aerobic move, look like its can burn calories rlly fast. Other move is fine too.. as long its suit the title smile

Thanks again.


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs... they're all good!
  • kmclame
    kmclame Posts: 7 Member
    YouTube is a great source for free workout videos. I should also recommend cycling as a great form of exercise. If you have a bike that's great, or maybe think about investing in a stationary bike (you can find cheap ones at Walmart, etc.). It all depends on what exercise you enjoy. Experiment and see what you like. It's also motivating to work out with someone (eg. a running partner).
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Walking is an easy place to start. Well-Girl.com has many body weight exercises with instructions. They do a different challenge every month too which can be fun. Really, try out anything that seems interesting to you. Doing the same thing can get boring after a while.
  • LiaNa2210
    LiaNa2210 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks all for the answer. I will try it all :)
    And btw... 5 hour window shopping (always walking, sometimes stop) is it equal to 1 hour aerobic excercise?
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs... they're all good!

    How I started, I always go back to her too. Shes great! Youtube her.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    If you don't want to run why not walk? I walk my dog 2-3 days a week and I burn a good amount of calories. Also, think of everyday things you do as a way to exercise. I count my light cleaning around the house, and if I am standing over a hot stove cooking for a long period of time. Often I find, though, walking is the easiest regimen to stick to.

    If you have good sidewalks around you I would also suggest maybe riding a bike around for a while.

    Just getting outdoors can be a stretch for some. Indoor equipment can simulate both of these very easy tactics.

    P.S. Wii Fit, and P90x, and P90x Yoga were also some I really enjoyed that I could do at home.
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    Walking is an easy place to start. Well-Girl.com has many body weight exercises with instructions. They do a different challenge every month too which can be fun. Really, try out anything that seems interesting to you. Doing the same thing can get boring after a while.

    I'll second the suggestion of walking. I just recently started trying to develop some healthier habits. I'm watching what I eat more closely, and have taken up walking. I got a Fitbit One, so I use my step counts and distance walked as exercise motivators. My wife and I work opposing shifts most of the time to save on babysitting costs for our daughter. So, I don't leave the house much except to go to work or run necessary errands. My family does have a nice, big yard with a chain link fence. I've started walking laps along the perimeter several times a day to pick up steps and distance. Plus, I can let the kid and dogs out to play and keep an eye on them while getting my exercise. My daughter has even started walking with Daddy to get her exercise. So, it's nice to know she's following a good example.
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    If you don't want to run why not walk? I walk my dog 2-3 days a week and I burn a good amount of calories. Also, think of everyday things you do as a way to exercise. I count my light cleaning around the house, and if I am standing over a hot stove cooking for a long period of time. Often I find, though, walking is the easiest regimen to stick to.

    If you have good sidewalks around you I would also suggest maybe riding a bike around for a while.

    Just getting outdoors can be a stretch for some. Indoor equipment can simulate both of these very easy tactics.

    P.S. Wii Fit, and P90x, and P90x Yoga were also some I really enjoyed that I could do at home.

    I've been thinking about checking out Wii Fit.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs... they're all good!

    How I started, I always go back to her too. Shes great! Youtube her.

    Leslie Sansone is on youtube.

    Also, Jessica's Dance fitness and Mallory HotMess on youtube have really good dance workouts.

    Another great/fun workout is hooping is you can get your hands on a hula hoop.
    There are youtube videos for hoop workouts as well.

    Just keep your body moving, work up a sweat, have fun and you'll be good.

    Good luck!
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Great suggestions here! I have tried a lot of the beachbody series (no I am not a coach) but some of my favorites are the Jillian's and Bob Harpers. I also went to a site that did a posture assessment that made a big difference in how I stand and hold myself (postureassessments.com) . My favorites if you don't want to buy something are squats, planks, and push ups!
  • turniprose
    turniprose Posts: 11
    Youtube is great for exercising. I really like circuit training and although I can't keep up with doing many push-ups, I attempt and do about 4 before I do the "girl" push-ups. Some recommendation if Fitness Blender's 10 minute fat burner circuit training or the Beach Body P90X 30 min circuit. Those two are my favorite. I also look up yoga there as well.

    Another great site is pinterest. Lots of people post fitness tips and/or exercises. I like the ones where they have Monday-Sunday exercises where you do the set of exercises each day. That's pretty much what I do (pinterest monday-sunday exercise + circuit training + yoga and jogging on some days). They're fairly easy and great for beginners.
  • LiaNa2210
    LiaNa2210 Posts: 20 Member
    Great recommendations! I will check it all.. i already save the link and suggestion u give on my list. Ty all :)
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member

    I love it!
  • robinmarkz
    robinmarkz Posts: 93 Member
    I use Map My Fitness. It even works inside malls. I also have an indoor recumbent bike, and log into Map My Ride. It's all connected to MFP.

    When cycling, I use YouTube and music. I use cycling videos.

    Depending on your health, don't push too hard at first. And get medical clearance, of course, if you haven't exercised before.

    I have a tendency to overdo because I am competitive by nature. You have to know your own level of fitness, and not try to do the Tour de France! Really.

    So, walking, with a connected app is probably the best way to start. Drink plenty of water! I forget that a lot.

    All the best.
  • LiaNa2210
    LiaNa2210 Posts: 20 Member
    I use Map My Fitness. It even works inside malls. I also have an indoor recumbent bike, and log into Map My Ride. It's all connected to MFP.

    When cycling, I use YouTube and music. I use cycling videos.

    Depending on your health, don't push too hard at first. And get medical clearance, of course, if you haven't exercised before.

    I have a tendency to overdo because I am competitive by nature. You have to know your own level of fitness, and not try to do the Tour de France! Really.

    So, walking, with a connected app is probably the best way to start. Drink plenty of water! I forget that a lot.

    All the best.

    Ah, im using mapmyfitness too.. i already download it, but i dont know how use it. Im in the mall right.. walking nonstop while waiting my mom shopping. I tried to use it, but for some reason when i click start workout, the time start, but the cal, and other still 0. Even though im moving, and pretty far too, but the distance still 0
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    There are some fun bellydancing workouts on youtube too.
  • robinmarkz
    robinmarkz Posts: 93 Member
    I use Map My Fitness. It even works inside malls. I also have an indoor recumbent bike, and log into Map My Ride. It's all connected to MFP.

    When cycling, I use YouTube and music. I use cycling videos.

    Depending on your health, don't push too hard at first. And get medical clearance, of course, if you haven't exercised before.

    I have a tendency to overdo because I am competitive by nature. You have to know your own level of fitness, and not try to do the Tour de France! Really.

    So, walking, with a connected app is probably the best way to start. Drink plenty of water! I forget that a lot.

    All the best.

    Ah, im using mapmyfitness too.. i already download it, but i dont know how use it. Im in the mall right.. walking nonstop while waiting my mom shopping. I tried to use it, but for some reason when i click start workout, the time start, but the cal, and other still 0. Even though im moving, and pretty far too, but the distance still 0

    Make sure your GPS is on, and mobile data too. I always turn it on before I enter. Remember to hit record, and to save. Also, turn off auto-pause.Let the audio voice tell you frequently how you're doing.

    Also, if the mall has skylights, it helps.

    Sometimes, you don't see the route until after you save it. Keep trying, and also download a pedometer.

    I am in a large metro area, so the malls are mapped well.

    Use whatever works!

    All the best.