More activity tracker questions

Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
(Sorry this is so long.)
I've searched through tons of posts and reviews on activity trackers but am still undecided on what to get.
On M,W, & F I am working my way through a weight training book. On Tuesday and Thursday I jog on the treadmill, but not very long or very fast, eventually I'd like to swim laps every once in awhile. Written down that sounds like enough but in reality I'm one of those annoying people that are at the gym as a way to talk to my friends and get a break from my kids since I'm a SAHM. But I'd like to really step it up. I like gadgets and think that something that can track my stuff would help me.

After everything I've read I understand that there isn't a great way to track calories burned for weight training so I've begrudgingly removed that aspect from my list of track-able information. I would however, still like to track everything else.

I've read up a little on the Basis 2014 ed., Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin Vivofit, and the Polar Loop(not opposed to buying the HRM and footpot for it). Every one of them have reviews all over the place ranging from horrible to great. I understand that there is nothing out there that will please everyone but I'm still hopeful to find one that will work for me. As of right now I'm leaning towards the Loop. I've only found the list above by google-ing "activity trackers" so if there are others out there please let me know, or tell me tales of the one you use or want?

Things I'm looking for:
Track the time and distance of my jogs
Track heart rate
Steps walked
Waterproof if I decide to add laps in my routine
Calories burned
Compatible with Android phone


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Just get one and stop searching around for the One True Device. They'll all probably suit your purposes even though none of them is going to do everything on your list. I prefer the bodymedia device to any of the ones you listed, but then I couldn't care less what my heart rate is at any point in time.