How long to run in order to get into the fat burning zone?

I am female, 27 and 55.5Kg. According to a couple of websites where I have done a BMR counter, in order to drop down to 53kg, the results are:

The Harris-Benedict Formula BMR which is 1356 calories
The Katch-McArdle Forumla which is 1283

My body fat is 23.6%
My BMI is 21.4
Body fat mass is 13.1Kg

I want to drop my body fat down to 21% ...

I've been running on a 1.0% gradient, 9 Km/ph every day for between 40 to 50 minutes, with a minute walk break between every 100 calories I burn...How long do I have to run to keep myself in the fat burning zone? I read somewhere that you only start burning fat after 40 minutes of running and that the first 40 minutes you only burn carbs and energy...does this mean, I have to run over an hour for any positive results from jogging?

I'm not interested in gaining lots of muscles or abs, I just want to drop 2Kg to get to my ideal summer bikini weight!

Thank you :)


  • stif9
    stif9 Posts: 33 Member
    There is no fat burning zone, the calories in vs calories out doesnt work in a time window of lets say an hour while you are doing your cardio ... it works through out the day, through out the week etc...Keep doing what you are doing and you will have incredible results, good luck.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    The fat burning zone is a myth. If you are in a caloric deficit, whether that is reached through exercise or just eating less, you will lose weight from fat and muscle. For the best results in reducing overall BF% and actually losing "fat" and not just "weight," lifting weights while staying in a caloric deficit should do the trick. Lifting the weights will ensure that the weight you lose is from fat and not so much from muscle since you will be using the muscle you already have. Your body will be more reluctant to give up what it's using on a regular basis. Also, if you are exercising, you will be burning more calories each day and will be able to eat more than 1200 or 1300 calories most likely.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    If you burn more calories than you eat, you'll lose fat. Whether you do it by exercise, or simply eating at a calorie deficit.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    There is no need to find a "zone". Jillian says its a myth anyway.

    Burn 500 more calories than you take in each day and you'll lose a lb a week. It's really that simple. You don't even need to exercise really, but it helps. :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    The fat burning zone is a myth. If you are in a caloric deficit, whether that is reached through exercise or just eating less, you will lose weight from fat and muscle. For the best results in reducing overall BF% and actually losing "fat" and not just "weight," lifting weights while staying in a caloric deficit should do the trick. Lifting the weights will ensure that the weight you lose is from fat and not so much from muscle since you will be using the muscle you already have. Your body will be more reluctant to give up what it's using on a regular basis. Also, if you are exercising, you will be burning more calories each day and will be able to eat more than 1200 or 1300 calories most likely.

  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    I wish they would take those stickers off the old treadmills. There is no such "fat burning zone". To burn fat you need to get your HR up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    I wish they would take those stickers off the old treadmills. There is no such "fat burning zone". To burn fat you need to get your HR up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes

    This is completely untrue. What about sprinters?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I wish they would take those stickers off the old treadmills. There is no such "fat burning zone". To burn fat you need to get your HR up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes

    This is completely untrue. What about sprinters?

    Sure, sprinters use mainly muscle glycogen stores, which are quickly depleted. But the body replenishes them after the sprint, and any calorie deficit is made up for by burning fat.
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    Wow! I am pleasantly surprised about what I'm reading! That's great news...It just goes to show how much rubbish websites and people can talk...I was starting to feel a bit disheartened...because 40 mins run is quite knackering, and I was sweating lots, and was beginning to wonder why that shouldn't count toward fat loss!!

    I just hope I am sticking to the correct calorie intake daily....Is there any way to be sure? Website's results of what my daily BMR should be vary loads! some website says for my level of activity and my physique, I will need to consume a net calorie of 2000 a day, while another says 1400 and some say 1350!! How can I find a reliable figure??

    2000 seems like A LOT to me, I can't eat 2000 calories a day, if I try! I am trying to stick to 1200 calories a day, which really is 1700, -500 for exercise...but I don't know if that's healthy or not? Also...there is this whole thing about macro numbers, like fats and carbs, which confuse me too much! If I stick to a 1200 calorie intake but go over my carbs and fats, do I still lose weight?? What is a healthy level of carbs and fats? I know protein levels should be high for muscle repair...but it all gets way too confusing and I'm scared I'm doing something wrong!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Not now chief....


    ...I'm in the f&cking zone...
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    Thank you for that link!
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    I wish they would take those stickers off the old treadmills. There is no such "fat burning zone". To burn fat you need to get your HR up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes

    This is completely untrue. What about sprinters?

    Sure, sprinters use mainly muscle glycogen stores, which are quickly depleted. But the body replenishes them after the sprint, and any calorie deficit is made up for by burning fat.

    Thank you for agreeing :)
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.

    When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. If our bodies were machines, it would be that easy but it isn't. Hormones are the deciding factor for fat loss, not calories. Sure, calories play a major role but they are definitely not everything. How many people do you know that eat very little but hold onto weight. I know plenty of nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours, don't eat much, and are still obese. It's all about hormones.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.

    When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. If our bodies were machines, it would be that easy but it isn't. Hormones are the deciding factor for fat loss, not calories. Sure, calories play a major role but they are definitely not everything. How many people do you know that eat very little but hold onto weight. I know plenty of nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours, don't eat much, and are still obese. It's all about hormones.

    Hormones absolutely play a role, but the number one factor is calories in vs calories out. If your hormones are affecting your metabolism to the point you have a lower metabolism, it is affecting the Calories out part of the equation. Outside of a possible extremely rare illness, if you are eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. Period. That doesn't mean that everyone's "calories out" is equal.

    Do you track the nurses food intake 24/7?
  • lilika_49
    lilika_49 Posts: 53
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.

    When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. If our bodies were machines, it would be that easy but it isn't. Hormones are the deciding factor for fat loss, not calories. Sure, calories play a major role but they are definitely not everything. How many people do you know that eat very little but hold onto weight. I know plenty of nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours, don't eat much, and are still obese. It's all about hormones.

    I doubt that's true! I mean...I've recently had a hormone, thyroid and blood test and it all came back ok! I doubt it is 'all' to do win hormones! Just like anything else, hormones play a part in weight loss yes, but surely there isn't much that healthy eating and a correct exercise regime can't fix? Unless you have a serious hormone imbalance which you can seek medical treatment for!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.

    When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. If our bodies were machines, it would be that easy but it isn't. Hormones are the deciding factor for fat loss, not calories. Sure, calories play a major role but they are definitely not everything. How many people do you know that eat very little but hold onto weight. I know plenty of nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours, don't eat much, and are still obese. It's all about hormones.


    It's all about the calories. And then, maybe, physical activity. Hormones may have some impact, but it's relatively minor. If hormones are having a major impact, then there is a medical condition.

    For the vast majority of the population, it's calories in and calories out. You don't know what those nurses eat when they are at home or on their day off.
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    You are always burning fat. If you want to burn a higher amount of calories from fat (as a percentage), then just walk. Running and keeping your heart rate up burns a higher percentage of carbs. The reason why high intensity can burn more fat has to do with hormones, not calories. Although, if you are running a long distance and your heart rate stays pretty high, that's when your body might become too stressed and hold onto fat due to cortisol.

    If I were you, I would run and walk to burn fat. Interval sprints/jogs would be best. Whatever you enjoy. I don't believe that you have to run for 40 minutes before you start burning fat. If that were the case, then sprinters (who have amazing bodies) wouldn't burn any fat.

    The thing with that is, even if you are in the correct zone for burning a higher percentage of fat - which is hard to do because those tables are terribly inaccurate - you are at a low intensity, so overall you burn fewer calories. Yes, a higher percentage may be from "fat" but that number is low. If you work out at a higher intensity, there is a lower percentage of "fat" burned, but overall calories are much higher, so even the smaller percent is still higher.

    In the end - workout. Don't worry about what zone you are in. A calorie deficit burns fat, exercise for health and fitness.

    When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. If our bodies were machines, it would be that easy but it isn't. Hormones are the deciding factor for fat loss, not calories. Sure, calories play a major role but they are definitely not everything. How many people do you know that eat very little but hold onto weight. I know plenty of nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours, don't eat much, and are still obese. It's all about hormones.


    It's all about the calories. And then, maybe, physical activity. Hormones may have some impact, but it's relatively minor. If hormones are having a major impact, then there is a medical condition.

    For the vast majority of the population, it's calories in and calories out. You don't know what those nurses eat when they are at home or on their day off.

    I'm sorry but this is just bad information. Hormones are the most powerful fat burning and muscle building chemicals in our body. Why do you think athletes take steroids and T3 or T4 for building muscle and burning fat.

    And yes, I do know what those nurses eat. I've lived with them before.