BodyRecompositionRantMode = ON

CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
The next dumbass that tells me to "stop losing weight" is going to get thrown down a flight of stairs and have their *kitten* kicked all the way back up them!

Went from 230 lbs and BMI 36.0 to 160 lbs and BMI 25.1 while losing a lot more fat than muscle mass over eighteen months. Had open heart surgery (totally unrelated benign tumor), got through the base recovery period and am back to cardio and weights.

The 'conversation' goes like this:
Her (it's always a her): "You're getting too thin."
Me: "My weight is stable at one hundred sixty-one pounds for the past six months."
Her: "I don't believe you."



  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    It's really rude to make comments about other people's weight and appearance. Perhaps you could try calling them out on it? Maybe they don't realise they are being rude and need you to point it out to them. ;-)
  • TheWorstHorse
    TheWorstHorse Posts: 185
    offer to use them for your bench press. it *always* works.