I liked cats until it slapped me.

premneote Posts: 39 Member
Hi Everyone!

I've joined MFP for a while now but I've just started to get very serious about getting fit.

About me:
I'm 26 years old and I am overweight - I'm going to change this fact and very determined about it.
You see, I've always procrastinated getting into shape because let's face it, it's hard work. However, recently during the harsh winter we've just had in Toronto, I realised a few things:
1. Summer is coming and I can't hide my body any more
2. My feet ache like it never used to before
3. I need to sort myself out before I become another statistic.

Since February I've been eating healthier, going to the gym. I've lost some weight, slowly and steadily however there used to be days where I would "treat myself" - which isn't wrong at all, but the frequency of it was not the best.

Now summer is literally around the corner, and I am in better shape than I used to be in February. However I'm more serious about this now, more determined than ever. It would be great to have some support along the way too.

So, come on, lets be friends and motivate each other to reach our goals and more!

P.S. I still like cats, but am afraid of them since one slapped me in the face.


  • Magisoft
    Magisoft Posts: 113
    Love the topic title! Happy to support, add me if you like, very best of luck!
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    Lol! Thanks! The thread title is based on true events.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    You can do it!

    I have 5 cats and they slap me all the time, cats are jerks, but I still love them:tongue:
  • RoxyDisaster
    RoxyDisaster Posts: 112 Member
    I wish I had a cat to slap me!! lmao
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    My dog kills things and then rolls around in the guts. I'm trying to decide which is worse.

    Good for you to getting serious about getting fit! I only started my journey about a month ago - but I'm a great cheerleader :)
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    you can do it!:)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Sending friend request on the sole basis of originality in thread titles. This is a sign of both intelligence and charm, I'm sure of it.

    I am neither intelligent, nor charming, but I like cats that slap people.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    LOVE the title of your thread! I have two cats but they only slap me when I deserve to be slapped! :bigsmile:
  • delphinese
    delphinese Posts: 12
    I have grown up with cats and lasted exactly 2 weeks on my own before having to get one hehe. They slap because they love :p My oldest cat loves winter because I wear long sleeves and let him use my arm as a giant toy to bite and kick hehe. Yes, they are spoiled rotten.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    feel free to add me. I've been lacking motivation so intend to keep going now I've kicked myself up the *kitten*
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    LOL - it hurts, be careful what you wish for haha
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    OMG - that's gross!!! Ading you :)
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    LOVE the title of your thread! I have two cats but they only slap me when I deserve to be slapped! :bigsmile:

    I agree. I definitely deserved to be slapped. That cat hated my guts.
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    I have grown up with cats and lasted exactly 2 weeks on my own before having to get one hehe. They slap because they love :p My oldest cat loves winter because I wear long sleeves and let him use my arm as a giant toy to bite and kick hehe. Yes, they are spoiled rotten.

    I would love to have a cat. I'm afraid they'll scratch my rented apartment's walls. but they're soooo cuttteee
  • Dragoness1980
    Dragoness1980 Posts: 21 Member
    Haha this thread title made me laugh. As i write this i am lying in bed listening to my two galloping around the house.
  • lukey086
    lukey086 Posts: 10 Member
    Love the title! :) I have 4 cats (all British Shorthair). The oldest of the 4 slapped me once and I was surprised how loud and strong the slap was... lol. Even though cats are such *kitten* at times, you've got to love them them :)

    Wishing you the very best of luck on your journey! I'm sure you will do great :)

  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I thought your title was due to getting hit with cat gifs in some other post, but you actually meant the real thing.
    Been there ... been slapped by wife's cats ... never replaced them when they departed.

    Have also been there with the weight, dropped 80+ so far, and I am looking forward to beach season for the first time in years.

    Good luck to you. Keep focused, keep your chin up, and you'll get there.
  • premneote
    premneote Posts: 39 Member
    I thought your title was due to getting hit with cat gifs in some other post, but you actually meant the real thing.
    Been there ... been slapped by wife's cats ... never replaced them when they departed.

    Have also been there with the weight, dropped 80+ so far, and I am looking forward to beach season for the first time in years.

    Good luck to you. Keep focused, keep your chin up, and you'll get there.

    So sad to hear you're part of the cat slap club too!

    Thanks for your advice, it's all going great so far! I went to the outdoor swimming pool, and didn't feel self conscious - yay!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Mine gives me love bites. So cute.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Hilarious title. Cats are evil, but that's why I love them! Welcome to MFP. If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to grow a thick skin if you don't already have one. People love being snarky on the forums, but they give excellent advice. Put any butthut aside, roll with the jabs, and glean out the useful information, which there will be plenty of. You might even make some excellent, even lifelong friends, as I have.