I just want to cry

Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am so tired of trying to loose weight. I really am. I just want to be healthy already! My daily calories are close to 1700 and I have been trying to eat them but there's this little voice in my head telling me that if I eat so much food that I won't loose. I have tried the 1200 calories and the 1400 but I think it's not enough for my weight to start to loose weight but I don't want to eat too much and gain... has anyone else felt like this? I've been actively trying to loose weight for almost 2 years and haven't done anything but gained after loosing 17 pounds doing a Biggest Loser competition in my town. but when I wasn't working out hard at the gym it came back. I quit smoking and was on weight gaining meds. Anyone else feel like I do or have you? Can you help me?? Tell me it's ok to do what My fitness pal recommends for calorie intake? I need to hear it from a person whose been there... please??


  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    Are you active? Desk job? I have a desk job and work out around that i have 1200 cals my bmr is around 1650 so that puts me at a deficit without exercise, beacuse i eat little and often throughout the day I only just manage to eat 1200 though and i need to work at eating more but to exercise, but I have lost nearly 14lbs now.Use the tool on here to work out your BMR to see what cals you should be eating and see what that comes at.

    Ive seen people on here eating 2000 odd cals and losing weight. Maybe drop your cals to 1500 for a few weeks and see how you go? x
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    i felt that way when i started MFP, it told me to intake 1400 cals a day and while doing that, i was losing 2lbs a week and i felt GREAT! (i forgot to mention i am breastfeeding) I went to the doctor and told him about it and how happy i was and he told me i should be eating at LEAST 2000 to 2500 cals a day while breastfeeding...i went home and cried. I wanted to lose weight sooo bad since after having my daughter i did nothing and felt like crap all the time. It felt like a major bubble popper lol How on earth was i going to lose weight by consuming that many cals. Anyways i got really worried because he warned me if i didnt take in that many it will do detrimental things to my heath that i may not even notice until im older.

    Since that day, i just started doing 2000 cals and guess what...i DID lose weight and im still losing weight, just not as quick as i was before by any means lol

    My best advice is, take the calories MFP sets out for you, even add an extra 100 if you need then slowly reduce it back to what it set out for you and with time you will lose the weight. Try not to think of it as getting thin over night, it will take TIME but in the end it will be sooo worth it! Im half way to my goal and i know i wont reach it for a while but im enjoying the progress and watching the changes in my figure (slowlyyyyyy) :)

    I think its pretty normal to get the mopes, but just keep it up and you will see results eventually, just try not to set a date :)
  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    I logging in all my answers under "my goals" tab and it tells me i need to take about 1500 calories in order to lose the weight I want to.
    Im a graphic designer so at least 9 hours of my day is at my desk and i hardly ever exercise... I started keeping track of what i eat and my exercises and it looks like it helps me stay under the Calorie limit.
    I cant really say its totaly good or not BUT I weighed in last night after a week and it looks like i already lost 4 pounds and about 2 inches... I still dont believe it, i seriously cant! LOL but people are saying I should believe it.
    this site is good to keep watching yourself so try it and see what it does to you :)
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Desk job or not, you have to exercise. I use to go out at lunch and walk or play golf at a pitch & putt. Then after work I would go to the gym. I think if you research there are exercises you can do at your desk. Every movement counts.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    When I started MFP it had my cals up around 1800. I ate them (most of the time) and initially wasn't working out and was losing weight. I struggled eating that much because I had not been eating enough previously. I notice NOW that if I dip below 1200 (which I do on occasion) I will stall out on the weight loss. This site REALLY does work. Just make sure you're not OVER estimating your activity level and that you have the program set to lose the amount per week you want (1-2lbs) and it will happen. IT REALLY REALLY REALLY WILL. Oh and do yourself a favor. Push your scale as far under the bed as you can so you can't reach it easily and stay the heck off of it for a while. Focus on putting whole NUTRIOUS foods in your body and moving more for a bit before you pull that bad boy out again. Trust me on that. You're stressing yourself out obessing about how much you haven't lost and stress has been proven to cause weight gain.

    Remember we didn't gain the weight overnight- it's ain't coming off overnight.

    Good luck to you
  • Luv2bme
    Luv2bme Posts: 58
    I have been seeing a nutritionist since I was told I had gestational diabetes in my last 3 pregnancies... Once delivery and nursing stages were over, I kept gaining weight... My nutritionist said I should be eating any where from 1200 - 1300 calories a day in order to lose weight... It has worked for over a year and a half... It is very difficult but it was well worth it in the end... now 70 lbs down and about 20 more to go, I still try to keep within that calorie intake. If I exercise, depending on the amount of calories I lose, I can add more calories to my daily intake...
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you everyone! Yes msbanana the scale - it is honestly my biggest down fall and my obsession. I weigh myself almost everyday and if I gain I am thinking of a new way to loose the weight. I need to stop that but it's hard because I don't want to gain anymore weight - I'm at 250.5 Not good. (Congrats on your loss! Anywhere else what so wouldn't be appropriate!) I am a stay at home mom. I do exercise x5 week and am constantly busy, although this last week I hadn't because I wasn't feeling well. I use a Polar HRM so I have a good idea on what my calories burned are when I do workout. ashley_h10 - thank you. Your post made lots of sense and if you can eat 2000 calories (mind you your nursing) and still loose weight then I need to be patient and just try it. After all what I have been doing obviously doesn't work!
  • Hi
    When you exercise, do you do weight training as well? When you increase your muscle mass you actually burn more calories when you are resting. In order to keep the muscle you are building you need to eat more protein...not sure how much you are getting but you do need to eat more with every meal. When you start weight training...Start slow doing lunges with 5 or 10 lbs weights in each hand or arm curls with 5 lbs, nothing too heavy... ..you want to lean out not bulk up. I bought this huge book put out by Women Health and it's called the Big Book of Exercises...it has every exercise you could ever want to know about and they are all in sections depending on the part of your body you want to workout. Also weight bearing exercises is very good for your bones :) You should try to do some sort of cardio everyday whether it is going to the gym or taking the dog for a walk. Try to look at the things you are eating...are you eating clean? Whole foods more than processed foods? Also another thing you could do if you are interested is take a look at the "Eat right for your blood type" book....I swear by this book...it has helped me in soo many other ways than just loosing weight.
    I hope this helps :)
  • zognorf
    zognorf Posts: 13
    Take. Pictures.

    My wife and I took our before pics a year ago. When she was down about her weight loss (she'd hit a plateau) all we had to do was compare her bikini pic from Jan. with one from last week---she could really see the difference. She did the same for me last week--I've not really moved the scale much in two months--but my before /after pics show a smaller midsection, better shoulders, etc.

    Images tell you what your scale cannot.

    In addition, the folks who wrote before me have good advice--move, move, move...eat right....and as long as you have a deficit of calories, you WILL burn off the weight!

    Good luck, and train hard.
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