My top half!!

Hi everyone!

I am into my 5th week of weight loss now. Having lost 15lbs already, I have started noticing clothes getting loose around my tummy area. I have noticed a definite improvement there and everytime I check, my stomach seems to be going down which is fabulous!

HOWEVER... I am rather large on top, and this is my biggest gripe about my own body. At the minute I am just doing exercise bike every night (25 minutes, usually work hard to burn over 300cals), but I am wondering if there is anything I can do to help my top half? I am so far noticing no change at all and so am looking more out of proportion than ever before.

Just wondering if there is anything I can do to help my chest area become less.. well... big?

Any advice would be great. As I say, i'm not signed up to a gym at the moment so looking for something I can do within the comfort of my own home.

- Christina xo


  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I must, I must, I must improve my bust. Heard that years ago. Heck I'm a guy, I really don't know. However breasts are made up of fatty stuff. (I think). I heard a woman body builder talking about it years ago. She had small breasts because she worked out so much. So may I suggest lifting weights. From what I have read lifting weights for women won't result in giant muscles because of the lack of testosterone.

    Good luck!
  • stina1985
    Ahhhhh! I shall try that, thanks!
  • georgiabridget
    i cant guarantee it would work for you, but after a started doing situps and a few pushups each night for about 3 weeks, i look slimmer in the chest, and definitely on my upper arms :) hope that helps, and even if it doesnt take weight off your bust, sit ups are great for your stomach, obviously :)

    good luck! x
  • stina1985
    Ohh really? Ok, I'll start bringing them into my exercise regime aswell, thanks for the advice (and the good luck) xx
  • georgiabridget
    thanks :)

    ps. pilates is great too, if you feel like trying that sometime ^_^
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Let me know how it goes - I need to get down a bra size or two I reckon - Man Boobs! Not flattering!!! :D
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    In my experience my boobs are almost the first thing to shrink during weightloss. I'd give it another couple of weeks and then see.

  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Let me know how it goes - I need to get down a bra size or two I reckon - Man Boobs! Not flattering!!! :D

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry, I have the same issue currently. I wear a big ole sweatshirt to the gym just to hide those things. I looked in the mirror and its not working. I'm thinking new career, Sumo wrestler.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    If you can stand her, try Davina's DVD's. They've all got aerobic, legs, arms and tummy sections and are great for overal toning and weight loss as they combine cardio and a little bit of strength training. They also have proper warm-up and cool-down sections which you don't find on all DVDs. I became a lot fitter and lighter very quickly when I started doing them a few years ago, by just working out 30-45 minutes 3 times a week.
  • stina1985
    ha you guys!

    Oh thanks, I'll have a look at the Davina DVDs. :)

    Thanks all for the advice. I think I do need to be a bit more patient as I am only in my 5th week... !!

  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Just want to say... there really is no way to "target" any specific area, even if you are exercising. Your body will give up what it gives up.

    Some women are just bigger. One of my close friends lost a LOT of weight a few years ago and her breasts stayed massive (and I mean MASSIVE- like, can't buy bras massive). My jaw hit the floor the last time I went and got fitted because I needed a new bra. I went down in the band size, but UP in the cup size! I am now wearing a bigger cup size than I've EVER worn before in my life! My friend thinks that I'm going to be like her in that sense, lol.

    So the biggest thing is don't worry about it too much. Maybe you'll find it coming off eventually; maybe it won't. I'm close to 2/3 of the way to my goal and they haven't gone down a bit. Just gotta wait and see what your body will do!
  • stina1985
    Ahhh really? Oh no! I surely can't get any bigger!! Haha.

    Thank you for your advice. I think I just need to relax a little.. it's the one area I hate most about my body so I'm wanting it to just dissapear overnight (not gonna happen..!) so i'll just keep going and see what happens.

    Thanks so much :) x
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Hi - I'm in the same boat as you.
    My weight is coming off - not so good this week but i'm not as active with the kids at home this week and poor weather - however although I've lost inches under my bust, the rest of it isstill the same. A little weight resistance is helping firm it all up but nothing is getting smaller despite definitely getting bigger when I put the weight on.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I'm thinking of changing my name to Nigella Lawson if they get any bigger :laugh: - if that reference makes no sense, 'google' the name you'll soon see what I mean!

    Who'd've thought eating excess pizza would cause that to happen?

    Dolly Parton must REALLY "Hit The Hut" eh?

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Does your exercise bike make you move your arms? If not you can always get some low weight dumbells (or cans of vegies) and do some strength stuff while you bike. Google arm exercises and see what you find.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I have HUGE knockers but even mine are shrinking! I'm on week 10 now and have gone from a 36 to a 34 and from a JJ to a HH. I have been doing lots of chest flyes (lie on your back on the floor with a can of beans in each hand - lift them up straight above your chest and then drop your arms slowly to a t shape and then smoothly back up again.)
    I will be a GG!!!!!!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    I just finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. My boobies and arms lost inches big time. Its cheap on amazon. But if you dont want to buy anything extra. Try lifting some weights even if they are 3lb or you can use a gallon of water in each hand. If you google arm exercises you should come up with a bunch of stuff.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm a small chested gal, but I would think strength/toning exercises would help the area around the girls, so they would appear more toned and....firm? I would think push ups and chest flys would help tighten up the top half, and then shoulder raises, bicep and triceps etc to help the rest of the upper body lean out, maybe the tatas will follow suite!
  • Yarnpiggie
    I have lost 60 pounds since the beginning of the year, and have constantly lamented that I seem to have lost it all in my face and boobs. (Seriously... i couldn't have lost ANY of it in my *kitten*?!) I went from a DD to a C in a flash. I always wanted to lose some of it but not before the rest of my Anyway, I lost those 60 pounds almost entirely on my stationary bike (with some walking when weather permited.) Sometimes it is just the body makeup. I have never been small chested in my life, so I never expected to get below a D without surgery. I would say more weight training for the upper body is what is called for, beyond that you may just have to decide to love what you got (or find an awesome surgeon which is what I always planned to do after it was off my *kitten*
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Just want to say... there really is no way to "target" any specific area, even if you are exercising. Your body will give up what it gives up.

    Some women are just bigger. One of my close friends lost a LOT of weight a few years ago and her breasts stayed massive (and I mean MASSIVE- like, can't buy bras massive). My jaw hit the floor the last time I went and got fitted because I needed a new bra. I went down in the band size, but UP in the cup size! I am now wearing a bigger cup size than I've EVER worn before in my life! My friend thinks that I'm going to be like her in that sense, lol.

    So the biggest thing is don't worry about it too much. Maybe you'll find it coming off eventually; maybe it won't. I'm close to 2/3 of the way to my goal and they haven't gone down a bit. Just gotta wait and see what your body will do!

    Ha ha.....when I lost alot of weight before my chest never went down so I got a breast reduction (was hurting my back and deforming my spine so it was cuz of that not vanity) but needless to say it was the BEST decision of my life and recovery was so easy.
    Now that I am losing AGAIN the weight isn't coming of the boobs now either so I am glad I did it.