Why is it so difficult to search ingredients in MFP??



  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    I'm frustrated too! I can put exact brand and product ingredients in my diary but not in my recipes??? :mad: :explode:
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am SO frustrated. Making my recipe in MFP and while inputting ingredients, I always search and try to get the exact same one that i am using so I can get the most accurate calorie count. So I am making a recipe right now that includes tortillas. So I search tortilla, tortillas, corn tortilla, Guerrero corn tortilla, white corn tortillas, EVERYTHING and I just keep getting things like Tortilla Soup, Salad on Tortilla, Tortilla chips, Beef Fajita with tortilla. WTF! Just give me TORTILLA already! It's easier just to freaking input the ingredient myself into the stupid data base.

    Ok. Rant over.
    I am not sure what you are even complaining about. You mentioned yourself there are oodles of corn tortillas, fresh tortillas , Guerrero ( name of a tortilleria/brand ) tortillas, white corn trotillas, blue corn tortillas and even the ones I input, because they are 100% correct in size and nutritional values ( at least here in Mexico due to government standards ) from Comercial Mexicana. Usually a standard size tortilla is between 47 and 55 calories. Just chose one of those and don't pay any attention to tortilla soup or chips. You already got a dozen different plain tortillas to chose from....what else do you want ?
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    My other huge beef (ha ha) with the recipe builder is how difficult it is to make a change to a recipe (I like modifying things) or, and this is the worst (not only when building a recipe but also when just putting a meal together) the number of outright, WRONG entries in the database. I don't know who entered "Steak - Grilled - Sirloin Tip Steak" at 152 calories for 4 ounces, but they are kidding themselves (and, frankly, making it really hard to do correct data entry). I can't find it now, but last week I found an entry that said a 10 ounce steak was going to be around 200 calories.

    I've gotten to the point where I look up the calorie counts for different cuts of meat on Google, then just jiggle the mass I enter into the database so that the totals come out right. So while I may have eaten a 6 ounce steak, if I have to enter 8.5 ounces to get the calories to work out correctly, my diary would show 8.5 ounces. I know there is large variability between different cuts of meat, and how vigourously you trim the fat off, but some of the entries are just plain wrong and there is no way I can find to flag them as "never show me this entry again". Hmmm, I should submit this under suggestions!
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Anymore i just enter everything off the package as 1) it's a pain to search and 2) half the time the entry is wrong due to human error or packaging changes.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    If it has a barcode, I've just noticed that's much easier to use...

    That works if you are using the app instead of the website.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I can understand some confusion when you're trying to find a particular brand of packaged food--there are so many--but the new recipe function also tends to find something really odd when you just want the USDA entry for broccoli (for example). I don't want some random person's broccoli soup, I want raw broccoli. I almost never need "brand name" ingredients because I'm cooking from raw ingredients and I STILL can't find them. How hard is that, MFP? I end up using the old recipe calculator, which is flawed too, but at least I can find what I'm looking for.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    Today I was inputting a recipe downloaded using the new system to import a recipe. The recipe had 100g of Kelloggs All-bran but the auto recipe input put 100g pineapple??????? What????? I gave up in the end and did it the old fashioned way, which was nearly as frustrating as mentioned by the OP.
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    I've just used the recipe builder for the first time in a while - what have they done to it????? That was the most horrendous experience I have ever had - couldn't find any of the foods I wanted (on PC), when I searched for items it brought up everything with the word in it (not good when looking for raw), I put in yellow pepper and it gave me carrot!!!??? Does not make for easy recipe building anymore - whoever thought that this was an improvement on the old builder?? Absolute rubbish, I would rather put each item in individually - at least then you get the brand you want. OK rant over ;-)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Go back to the old way. Right margin. scroll down a bit.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    I use the app on my phone. WAY easier to input a recipe, plus you can go back and adjust the amounts if need be (eg. perhaps your dish needs a little more garlic - you can change your 2g of raw garlic to 5g). The only thing that bugs me is if an item isn't listed, or isn't listed in grams (I weigh everything that goes in to my recipes), I have to save my recipe, add the product to the database, then go back to the recipe to find my item and add it. It's a royal pain.