Working at McDonald's

I've been working at McDonald's for the past 3 years throughout high school and college. We get our meals for free when we work, and I don't really make enough to spend a lot of money on a lunch that I pack. I usually eat the grilled chicken salads and wraps, but that gets old after a while. Does anyone have any suggestions on cheap things that I could pack that would satisfy me for the day? Or even some different options to eat at McDonald's?



  • jasondcooper
    jasondcooper Posts: 125
    I don't blame you for eating free food. If you're thinking about packing something for your day consider raw nuts, especially almonds, as they are great between meals and keep you feeling "full" longer. As for the McD's menu it sounds like you're already making the best choices that you have available. I would just advise people to avoid the fries. (Man, do I love McDonald's freaking fries!) But I don't indulge in fast food much anymore because most of it is empty calories.

    Do they offer a smaller burger now that has some trimmings on it, like lettuce and tomato? That would at least provide a little more nutrition than a sandwich like a Quarter Pounder.

    Good luck to you!
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    It might seem silly but I find pasta salads keep me full :),I put bits of apple,banana etc in it.Just something different x
  • singitaway
    singitaway Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys! The nuts are a great idea, it would really help me not want as much when I get on break. Also I sometimes do get a daily double with no mayo, which is basically like McDouble but with lettuce, tomato, and onions. Pasta salad isn't really my thing, but that sounds pretty decent. Thanks for the advice guys!
  • nannanaa
    nannanaa Posts: 4 Member
    Heya! i worked at McD as well, which is why i gained a bit of weight in the first place...

    Since the food differs a little from country to country, i would firstly just read the nutrition on the food very carefully. Is there any way for you to get custom food (this seems to vary from restaurant to restaurant)? i would maybe take whole meal bread with me and make a fish burger with that, maybe, or maybe bring something you can add to the wrap to make it more interesting? Take veggies, warm them in a microwave (if your workplace has one) and add a chicken breast and maybe some bbq/sweet chilli/whatever non-mayo based sauce in it?.

    Free food is free food and when having a relatively crappy job i would try to get the most out of it. :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Beans and rice are extremely cheap, especially when bought in dry bulk. With the right seasonings they are DELICIOUS, extremely filling, and can be made in large batches, which freeze well. They're easy to make, especially if you have slow cooker or crock pot.

    Look up recipes for "feijao paulista" and "feijoada"; they are Brazilian bean and rice dishes that my husband makes, and I go nuts over them. I ate them every day for over a week and STILL never got tired of them, that's how good they are. The meat can be omitted to save on grocery costs.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    Yes, almonds are a great choice. Keep a bag of raw almonds on hand and you'll never be hungry :)
  • JAsbabe2131
    JAsbabe2131 Posts: 26 Member
    Beans and rice are extremely cheap, especially when bought in dry bulk. With the right seasonings they are DELICIOUS, extremely filling, and can be made in large batches, which freeze well. They're easy to make, especially if you have slow cooker or crock pot.

    Look up recipes for "feijao paulista" and "feijoada"; they are Brazilian bean and rice dishes that my husband makes, and I go nuts over them. I ate them every day for over a week and STILL never got tired of them, that's how good they are. The meat can be omitted to save on grocery costs.

    I would love to try this but I can't find an English recipe. Are there any links?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It may sound crazy, but you can go for the Chicken Nuggets Happy Meal. Get it with apple slices and either diet soda or milk, and it's actually not too bad, calories are moderate and you've got a bit of healthy food from the apples and milk. The cheeseburger kids' meal probably isn't too bad, caloriewise, either (especially with apple slices) but I don't like their burgers. Other than that, you probably already have the best options covered (as far as the free food at work)
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    A regular cheesburger is 300 calories + a 20 calorie side salad and the dressing of your choice (they have the nutrition on the salad dressing packets I think, at the ones by me). Meal would probably be 440-500 calories with a good dose of protein and some veg. :)

    I never understand why McDonalds get's such a bad reputation compared to other restaurants, in terms of nutrition. I guess people aren't willing to look.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I don't know about finding anything really healthy or sustaining from there, but I do have a good weight loss story. My husband had quiet a bit of weight on him from high school (He was a football player and supposed to be big I guess?) Anyway, When he worked at McDonald's he rarely took a break and just picked (I know you're not supposed to), but he ended up LOSING like 100 lbs. Just from eating small portions of food throughout the day . It's not healthy, and I don't recommend it, but I thought I'd share.
    It may sound crazy, but you can go for the Chicken Nuggets Happy Meal. Get it with apple slices and either diet soda or milk, and it's actually not too bad, calories are moderate and you've got a bit of healthy food from the apples and milk.

    Good Idea !!
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    Do you work breakfast? The fruit and yogurt parfaits aren't too bad. And now they have the egg white option, on an English muffin, no butter. (Or real egg just without other meat is good too). I worked at mcdonalds for many years in high school and college. I wasn't trying to lose then so I wasn't concerned. Now I read all the nutrition facts!