Hi All--New and Could Use Support

Hi Everyone,

My name is Melinda and I'm new here. I started a new weight loss program about a couple of weeks ago and they recommended I use this program (which I love--plus it is FREE, unlike *some* programs).

I have slowly gained 30 lbs in the last 10 years, ever since I had a bad injury to my back and became less able to be active. This 30 lbs, though, is terrible for my already painful back condition and I know if I lost weight, not only would I look better, I would FEEL so much better.

I've been faithfully tracking my foods and exercises and being as honest as I can. My husband cooks most of our meals (aren't I lucky--but he loves it and finds it relaxing) so I need his help in not going over my calories per day.

Right now, I weight 196 and I'm 5'8". This is NOT the heaviest I have been. 20 years ago, I weight 270 lbs (I found out soon after that max weight that I had a hypoactive thyroid, which I still have but I am on medication for it). The thyroid issue along with getting older has been making it a lot harder for me to lose weight.

I wish all of us luck--and really hope that we are all able to reach our goals, whatever they are!

Melinda :smile:


  • Welcome Melinda! I just started back up myself - just now. I have a sedentary job and as I get older I really need to exercise. I tend to use my body as a carrying case for my cerebral self. When I have had times of regular exercise I have been so much happier, calmer and had more energy and things don't get to me as much.It made me realize my brain is an organ that is not separate from my body and needs the exercise, too. I really need help to stay active.

    Exercise for he sake of it seems like a waist of time; boring. I know its not wasted time but I don't like it, so I have decided to work with who I am. My exercise needs to have another purpose, like I'm getting exercise while walking to the store, or getting the dog out of the house, or having fun with others.

    Yoga I love doing as it makes me feel so good - meditative and energizing effect. Any ideas form anyone else on how to exercise in a fun way? I don't have a big social circle.

    My goal is to be very fit and loose about 50 to 60 pounds
  • Chickyp0o
    Chickyp0o Posts: 2
    Hi Guys!! I just started a diet as well. Today is my first day and as all new things I am excited but I know me and I know I will also need some encouragement. Please add me and we can chat and keep each other motivated.

    Melinda I am also 195 and 5'8 so we are rowing in the same boat. Sometimes I feel so tired and I think its because I'm carrying around all this extra poundage. I also am finding its really hard to keep up with my 4 year old son. He's very busy and I just don't have the energy. And like sveltejulia says I find my self easily irritated. I am striving for change!! lol

    I remember when I first tried this diet I wasn't exactly motivated to keep it off. But the feeling once I was on a roll was amazing. Thats where I want to get again. To where I don't sigh in exhaustion when my kids want to go for a bike ride or a walk. I can't wait for that :)

    Good luck and add me if you want.

  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Hi Melinda, I'm glad you found mfp. It's a great place that works if you work it.. I've been here about 8 months and its definitely working for me ! I log daily and my diary is open to my friends! Please add me if you want more help and encouragement as I know you will give the same.. Joe..
  • windweasel66
    windweasel66 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome to MFP from across the pond Melinda !
    I'm in every day so feel free to add me to support your journey...
  • mtyler7718
    mtyler7718 Posts: 24
    Welcome Melinda! I just started back up myself - just now. I have a sedentary job and as I get older I really need to exercise. I tend to use my body as a carrying case for my cerebral self. When I have had times of regular exercise I have been so much happier, calmer and had more energy and things don't get to me as much.It made me realize my brain is an organ that is not separate from my body and needs the exercise, too. I really need help to stay active.

    Exercise for he sake of it seems like a waist of time; boring. I know its not wasted time but I don't like it, so I have decided to work with who I am. My exercise needs to have another purpose, like I'm getting exercise while walking to the store, or getting the dog out of the house, or having fun with others.

    Yoga I love doing as it makes me feel so good - meditative and energizing effect. Any ideas form anyone else on how to exercise in a fun way? I don't have a big social circle.

    My goal is to be very fit and loose about 50 to 60 pounds

    Thank you so much for your reply! I am new here and didn't know people responded. I just started a yoga class and I love it--and now that summer is here, I am hoping to swim a lot (we are lucky enough to have a pool). Swimming just never seems like exercise to me. Have a wonderful day--and good luck with your journey!

  • Faithwalker12
    Faithwalker12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Jennifer and I started up again today after trying to do it on my own...only to gain and lose and get frustrated. I went to Weight Watchers today, walked into Jenny Craig (too expensive), than came home diving into my old "Zone Diet" materials (too much weighing and making calculations). I will stick to what I am doing with my nutritionist appointments and weigh ins and be diligent with myfitnesspal. I am 170 pounds and 5 feet 7 inches. I have struggled with 20-30 pounds my whole life and I want to get it off and feel healthy and trim. I have worked out off and on my whole life but now have been back to the gym for a few months. I had put five pounds back on from exercising but that seems to be balancing out again. My schedule is so hectic too...but I trust you are all very busy. I need the support from you guys to keep pressing on. Wishing all of us success....woohoo!!!!
  • Hi Melinda & welcome! Congrats on the weightloss so far! It is harder to lose weight as you get older. Im 32 & its taking wayyyy more effort to lose weight now then when I was 25, so I know where your coming from. But this is a great site to get support. Ive only been on here for a few weeks but have recieved lots of help & advice. Im here to help as many people as I can & vice versa :-)