Post your weight loss workout!

Hey guys! So I am trying to lose almost 60 pounds. Doing lot of toning and cardio. Here's some of what I've been doing to far:

Cardio: walking on treadmill at 3.1mph for 30-45 min. 4-5 times a week
Jumping jacks:normally do 40-90
running in place/high knees: 1 minute
Strength: Squats: 35-70
Step ups:50 on each leg

Looking for a change. What do you do?:drinker:


  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    All I do is treadmill. I do as long as I can before my kids interfere :laugh:

    I'm starting c25k again next week.
  • HalfwayGone
    HalfwayGone Posts: 1,242 Member
    I just do whatever I feel like at the time, depends how energetic I'm feeling/how much time I have..

    Have you tried the 30 day shred? I tried level one of it today, only 20 minutes but definitely a good workout!
  • mmrey11
    mmrey11 Posts: 21
    Have you tried the 30 day shred? I tried level one of it today, only 20 minutes but definitely a good workout!

    My only problem with doing stuff like this is i don't really have the space to do it. I share a small house with 4 other people and with only one good tv around, it's difficult to get that in without making everyone mad. :/
  • mmrey11
    mmrey11 Posts: 21
  • beverlywesterby
    beverlywesterby Posts: 59 Member
    Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred programs are awesome!! I've been through them both and now I just alternate the workouts (7 in total) depending on what I feel like doing that day.
  • beverlywesterby
    beverlywesterby Posts: 59 Member
    Oh and I just started C25K last week :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    The misconception for many is exercise is for weight loss. Exercise is for fitness and health. ANY exercise will help with calorie burn, and some do help to raise RMR, but don't expect any exercise to help with weight loss if food consumption isn't in deficit.

    That said, a good workout will hit every body part at least once. And resistance should be challenging, which keeps the reps between 5-12 reps. Anything higher is for muscular endurance which doesn't do a lot to change your body's overall shape much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mmrey11
    mmrey11 Posts: 21
    The misconception for many is exercise is for weight loss. Exercise is for fitness and health. ANY exercise will help with calorie burn, and some do help to raise RMR, but don't expect any exercise to help with weight loss if food consumption isn't in deficit.

    I'm on a deficit. Just wanted to know what everyone was doing. I'm assuming others are on deficits as well.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I'm in my 7th week of P90x (Classic Schedule). I lift as heavy (dumb bells) as I can.
    Pull ups, dumb bells, yoga, plyometrics, kenpo cardio each on its own day for 6 days each week.
    I like the program because I did it before (about 4 times consecutively in 2009/2010) and had an amazing transformation. Plus I love to eat, and there's no starving with this program...just a 500 calorie deficit off the top of your RMR with the P90x training totals figured in. You just concentrate on macros per each month (phase) in the program.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Mostly fork-put-downs and plate-push-aways. I also do weight training, but that's for health and fitness rather than weight loss.
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
    yoga (once a week in class and then 1 day at home)
    running outside (training for a half)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Cardio is for eating more food and improving cardiovascular health.
    Weights for retaining muscle, maybe even getting some 'newbie gains'.

    'Tone' is having low body fat and some muscle visible underneath.
    'Toning' usually means an ineffective method to get 'toned' :).

    Weight loss workout - stepping on the scales and recording weight regularly to make sure I'm at the correct deficit ;).
    Workout to look good when weight was lost (as per my previous profile picture, happy with the results - some signs of six pack and body looking the best it ever has) -
    3x5 every thing but deadlift, which is 1x5:
    A) Squats/Bench Press/Dead Lift
    B) Squats/Overhead Press/Weighted Pull ups
    C) Squats/Clean and Press (of row)/Dips

    Modified starting strength - which I know he specifically says not to do, but I wanted the pull ups/dips for rock climbing specific stuff.
  • bombshellcertification
    bombshellcertification Posts: 126 Member
    Mostly fork-put-downs and plate-push-aways. I also do weight training, but that's for health and fitness rather than weight loss.

    nice one. helps too :)
  • ImAJH
    ImAJH Posts: 392 Member
    MONDAY: Back and Bicep

    TUESDAY: Triceps and Chest


    THURSDAY: Shoulders & Taps

    FRIDAY: Legs & Abs


  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    Monday - Kettlercise class (1 hour)
    Tuesday - T25 focus - one workout
    Wednesday- bum, tums and thighs class then 20 minute kettlercise dvd
    Thursday - Kettlercise 50 min workout
    Friday - metafit class (HIIT) then kettlercise 8 mins dvd
    Saturday - 4 mile walk then 20min or 50kettlercise dvd -(depending on plans for the day)
  • pawstech09
    pawstech09 Posts: 9 Member
    2-3 days a week I do 30 minutes of HIIT on either the elliptical or treadmill and then 30-45 minutes of strength training, sometimes instead of the HIIT I'll do some running intervals or C25K. Fridays I go to Body Pump. I also do a Jillian Michaels video once a week if I don't feel like leaving the house, right now it's 6 week 6 pack, but I like 30 Day Shred too. This is all alternated around a 3-4 day on, 1 day off schedule so some weeks I'll work out 5 days and some end up being 6. I never take off 2 days in a row if I can help it.