Alternative Fitness - Rock and Roll Fitness


Hey guys, to help with my weight loss i have created a blog to help me with my progress. I will be updating it with fun fitness activities, food recipes and alternative fashion. It is made for everyone, but concentrates on geek chic and rock/metal alternative culture.

If you guys want to follow or get involved then let me know it would be great to know what you guys think. I have a Facebook page too just search "Alternative Fitness". :)

Thanks everyone for your support, welcome to the journey!


  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    Love this! Def going to bookmark your blog. The heavier music is what gets me through my workout. Def. Got some looks the day my headphones came unplugged from my phone at the gym. Feel
  • Tardytriathlete
    Tardytriathlete Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks :)
    I have a playlist for my longer runs, and the faster the guitar the more motivated I feel.
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm still working on my perfect playlist but I def. Get a burst of energy when my FFDP, old atreyu, bfmv, and even alkaline trio come on. Not everyone a cup of tea when working out but I love it!
  • Tardytriathlete
    Tardytriathlete Posts: 34 Member
    I love slipknot and korn, as well as QOTSA and SOAD :)
  • em902008
    em902008 Posts: 18 Member
    Slipknot <333 spoke to a few members when my buddy worked at the radio station and had them on his show. Love all the bands you've listed but slipknot has been a top band since I was little.
  • psyklob
    psyklob Posts: 4 Member
    Nice! I really like listening to power metal or thrash while I work out. Blind Guardian and Annihilator are especially great at getting me pumped up.