Any other low carb people out there?



  • remlaw06
    remlaw06 Posts: 20
    I've been low-carbing as a lifestyle for a few months now. I go out of it every once in awhile for special occassions, but try to stick to less than 100 a day. So far, it has been great and I never feel like I am depriving myself. If I want a beer, I drink a beer. If I want a piece of cake, I eat a piece of cake. I just watch what else I eat that day. It's very freeing. I am losing weight slowly. I am sure that if I lowered my carbs that I would lose weight fast, but this is a lifestyle, not a diet. I would rather lose slowly and be able to stick with it long term.

    My diary is open. I try to make a lot of low carb meals - especially for lunch and would love to trade recipes. Feel free to add me!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I try between 100g - 150g of carbs a day. I do like my after workout bagel and fried eggs, hence the reason why I don't say I'm "low carb".
  • kconrad1712
    kconrad1712 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! I am trying to be low-carb and eat clean. I try to keep my diet of 70% good fats, 20% protein and 10% carbs.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    I am also on the low carb diet. I love it! I feel great. I have noticed that my weightloss stalls if I cheat so I'm trying to stay on it. Feel free to add me.

    Let's do this!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Wow. I'm trying to stick to around 20g/day!!! I don't think my body would notice if I ate 100g per day. Come to think of it, 20 is not making a difference yet either. I'm having salads for lunch (very basic greens, not even shredded carrot) and then meat, cheese, eggs, some almonds. That's about it. A little vodka at night. LOL. I need to get this pudge moving off me.
  • shortemr
    shortemr Posts: 42 Member
    I did low carb three years ago and lost 50lbs and kept it off without really trying. But then I started Nursing school and started gaining weight like no other. I've gain back 25 pounds. I'm starting low carb again. I like it cause it's easy. Came on the forums for some motivation, it's nice not to feel alone. :) Feel free to add me
  • issydhan
    issydhan Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I have been using fitness pal since October 2013 and I have lost around 24lbs so far. The last 14 are really difficult to shift! So ive changed things to try and shock my body. One if them being the reduction of carbs and increase in protein. I like to look at the carb/fat/protein percentage. I am a6ft 3 male and my aim isn't to become hugely built but slim and toned. My carb fat protein is usually around 21% 27% 52%.

    I'm hitting about 1800 calories in total a day.

    Does this sound right?

    I'm not a fanatic gym goer but I have started visiting a personal trainer twice a week and boy does he make me slog. My heart is racing and my muscles feel very sore all over.
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    I am supposed to be doing low carb but I keep slipping
    I was 227lbs in July 2013, I am now 143lbs. I was really diligent the first 5months. With a walking program I was losing between 15 and 17lbs a month.
    Then I fell off the low carb wagon. I began to give myself permission to eat breads, and cereal (had a bowl of warm milky Chex this evening) and its been back and forth - back and forth, with my weight loss, I have lost the same 5lbs more than 10 times since February.
    The only thing that has worked for me despite my sabotaging my efforts has been low carb. I find it sustainable. I know that despite my indiscipline it is the only doable way of eating for me.
    I also know my problem stems from knowing that I am now in size 4-8US (8-12UK) clothes so the damage is minimal or non existent.
    I have been overweight all my adult life and this is the first time I know I can realistically get to my goal of 125lbs, and never be obese again.

    I also accept I will never not eat the occasional bread, or cereal(my weakness), Unlike before, I look forward to getting back on track. whereas in the past, I used to dread the debilitating hunger that eating to stay at a healthy weight entailed and eventually gave up and put all the weight back on.
    Low carb way of eating has totally eliminated that kind of suffering for me.
  • Sazagirl82
    Sazagirl82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Good to read that people are getting some good results with low carb. Feel free to add me :)
    My plan is based on low carb, but not intentionally - I don't monitor how many carbs I get per day but I have eliminated grains entirely and get most energy from proteins and some fat. I haven't had cravings, and I quite enjoy eating this way, because carbs are definitely what trigger me to overeat the most... now I feel like I am more in control of what I am putting into my body and am loving the high protein intake - so filling but doesn't make me feel sluggish like carbs do.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    We're doing lowER carb at our house...but mostly choosing healthier carbs (root vegetables, lentils, beans, fruit, etc) and doing bread, chips, etc less often/rarely.

    If we do grains, I'm trying to do healthier, more natural forms (like muesli, brown rice, oats, etc).
  • theecatt
    theecatt Posts: 31 Member
    I recently quit low carb, as I've reached my weight loss goal, and found it hampered my endurance for cardio (I love long bike rides and swimming).

    I lost a lot of weight, without a lot of struggle, two tips:
    1) Make sure your carbs come from veggies. They will help with energy, health, etc.
    2) Walk. I walked 30 minutes twice a day (after meals). This helped more than I would have guessed based on calories alone, REALLY accelerated the weight and fat loss.

    Best of luck to those doing it!
  • hotsungirl
    hotsungirl Posts: 107 Member
    I am with you on the stuck on a plateau. I've been Paleo for about six months and got back on here to help motivate me.
    I am working out hard with Cross Fit not intense cardio, trying to stick with new approach to weight loss and health.
    Read Dr Jack Kruse's blog about Paleo.
    Glad to add to motivate each other :)
  • hotsungirl
    hotsungirl Posts: 107 Member
    So well said!!!
    This diet leaves me full and not hungry. I'm at a plateau but I'm losing inches and I'm not craving! I can do this! :happy:

    I am supposed to be doing low carb but I keep slipping
    I was 227lbs in July 2013, I am now 143lbs. I was really diligent the first 5months. With a walking program I was losing between 15 and 17lbs a month.
    Then I fell off the low carb wagon. I began to give myself permission to eat breads, and cereal (had a bowl of warm milky Chex this evening) and its been back and forth - back and forth, with my weight loss, I have lost the same 5lbs more than 10 times since February.
    The only thing that has worked for me despite my sabotaging my efforts has been low carb. I find it sustainable. I know that despite my indiscipline it is the only doable way of eating for me.
    I also know my problem stems from knowing that I am now in size 4-8US (8-12UK) clothes so the damage is minimal or non existent.
    I have been overweight all my adult life and this is the first time I know I can realistically get to my goal of 125lbs, and never be obese again.

    I also accept I will never not eat the occasional bread, or cereal(my weakness), Unlike before, I look forward to getting back on track. whereas in the past, I used to dread the debilitating hunger that eating to stay at a healthy weight entailed and eventually gave up and put all the weight back on.
    Low carb way of eating has totally eliminated that kind of suffering for me.
  • hiphopbunnie
    yes! i love the low carb diet because i find it really is effective and leaves me feeling the most normal.
  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    LowER Carber here! :) I have lost 7.5 pounds in 3 weeks. My biggest hurdle is being prepared with new low carb options. I grew up with bread/potatoes at every meal + sweet tea! It is really easy sometimes and its really hard sometimes but isn't that the fact with all things??? I am not sure how many carbs I am suppose to eat a day, I am kinda winging it....I aim to stay under 50 net carbs a day and that seems to be a common number based off other posts on here. I came here looking for ideas and support. My journal is public, add me. :)
  • easylife54
    Hi - I just started low carb - I've got to cut out the junk. Got a question - how do I change the carb settings on my log? It's showing something like 200 carbs and that's too much. I'm aiming for 50-100 right now. And for the matter how do you change any of those settings? thanks and good luck to everyone.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    i'm mostly low-carbing lately. no wheat, grains, or sugar. most of my carbs come from vegetables, and the occasional greek yogurt. i try to stay between 30-50 carbs a day.

    I've been doing something similar to this lately as well. I find it works well, although I do occasionally indulge in higher carb foods once a week.
  • hoca1001
    hoca1001 Posts: 8
    Hi all! Just getting in to low carb here... trying to stay under 30g of net carbs a day :) Would love to have some low carb friends! i attempted keto about a year back and lost about 10 lbs but then fell off the wagon... being under 15-20 carbs a day was just too dramatic for me. This time around, I'm going to be a little more flexible since this is a WAY OF EATING not a diet :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • hoca1001
    hoca1001 Posts: 8
    Hi - I just started low carb - I've got to cut out the junk. Got a question - how do I change the carb settings on my log? It's showing something like 200 carbs and that's too much. I'm aiming for 50-100 right now. And for the matter how do you change any of those settings? thanks and good luck to everyone.

    HI there,

    Go to My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom
  • Vivatbella

    I am on a low carb diet too and its what works best for me!
