Is Diet Coke bad for you?

I have not drank coke in years or any other processed drinks. It was over 10 years ago I even stopped gatoraid as I read it was bad for you. I was water, coffee, tea only (for the most part cream in coffee but small amounts etc). I was on a raw food diet for about 6months a few years back as well. I was a granola type of girl you could say. Even though I smoked cigarette I was all natural all healthy (right I know whatever smoking tops it all). I quit the smoking habit but picked up some odd eating habits. I love love love diet coke now but am wondering if it's that bad?
Opinions welcomed as this is kinda hard to get true facts one study says it's fine the next it's toxic.


  • Thezestiest
    Thezestiest Posts: 37 Member
    It's certainly not a health food, but you know THAT! :)
    I was an everyday soda drinker for a long time. When I quit drinking soda, I lost a good 40 lbs in a few years time. I never developed much of a taste for diet sodas, though I'll have some once in a great while. Honestly, I'd rather have a real, sugary, bad-for-you soda once in awhile rather than a diet soda every day. Artificial sweeteners, while okay in small amounts, can have adverse affects if you consume in large quantities.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    In moderation, any food or drink is fine. Personally I've been drinking Diet Pepsi (1-2 a day) for the past 25 years now. No issues to speak of and it helps to satisfy my taste if I want something sweet tasting.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Moderation like everyone else said. After years of drinking multiple sugar sodas a day 3-10. I've switched to 1 or 2 sugar sodas a week, and maybe 4 diet sodas in a week. They are treats, and people seem to forget that in the last 2 generations lol.

    Anyway they definitely aren't good for you, but I wouldn't say bad either unless you abuse them.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Anything in excess is bad. Most things in moderation are ok. Diet coke falls in the latter category IMHO.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I can't drink it. It gives me Interstitial Cystitis, which is a condition that is often triggered by diet sodas, among other things. Causes chronic bladder pain like a uti that never goes away.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    That being said, I used to drink A LOT of soda. I'm from Atlanta, the Coke capital of the world! I drank mostly diet beverages because I didn't enjoy drinking my calories. When I started to get serious about losing weight, I decided to cut soda out of my diet. Occasionally (borderline rarely) I'll have one of those Zevia sodas from Whole Foods if I want a sweet treat.

    My suggestion? Try going just a weekend without soda! When you realize (which you will) that you don't need it, you can try and do this every weekend. I think you'll feel a lot better, not to mention healthier. I know it can be hard to make major cuts out of your life, so don't feel like it has to go immediately. But I think you'll get closer to your health goals by taking a step to slightly eliminate it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    oh goodie, another diet coke is bad thread - they are always so entertaining :happy:

    I drink around 4 or 5 glasses of diet coke or pepsi max per week and have done so since starting my weight loss journey - have successfully reached my target and then maintained for 6 months doing this.

    As with any food or drink, there will be some individuals who have adverse affects, allergies etc - best for those people to avoid whatever food/drink it is for them.

    For everyone else, it is fine in moderate amounts.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I drink one or two a day and it hasn't affected me.

    Diet coke was first introduced in the early 80's and my diabetic brother has been drinking it since it's induction. I have gone back and forth but usually drink it...

    We have no issues what so 25 years of drinking it...we even still have all our teeth...:bigsmile:

    And yes you can google the negatives about anything..doesn't make them true.

    Like for example Baking cleans silver really well..and gets stains off of teeth, cleans ovens,

    Oh wait coke/diet coke does much of the same as baking soda...imagine...gonna give up baking soda?
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    If Diet Coke is bad, I don't wanna be good.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    A jokey perspective from The Onion :)

    Man Who Drinks 5 Diet Cokes Per Day Hoping Doctors Working On Cure For Whatever He’s Getting,34570/
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Probably but I love it and it's probably the one bad thing I have regularly so whatev
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Just like anything, it isn't bad in moderation. I wouldn't go and drink a case a day, but having a diet soda in moderation shouldn't be harmful.
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...

    Allow me to rephrase: soda is okay in moderation. But okay doesn't make it a good thing. It has zero health benefits.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...

    Allow me to rephrase: soda is okay in moderation. But okay doesn't make it a good thing. It has zero health benefits.

    It keeps me from drinking regular coke. That is a health benefit
  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...

    Allow me to rephrase: soda is okay in moderation. But okay doesn't make it a good thing. It has zero health benefits.
    Well if it just came to only eating/drinking for health benefits, then cookies, cake, ice cream etc. would probably be on that zero list. No food is inherently "bad". Some may lack any nutritional value, but in moderation (and as long as macro/micros have been met, and there are no reactions to those foods/drink), the impact on health would be mild at best.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    What he said. I love Coke zero and don't have any issues with it.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage

    My suggestion? Try going just a weekend without soda! When you realize (which you will) that you don't need it, you can try and do this every weekend. I think you'll feel a lot better, not to mention healthier. I know it can be hard to make major cuts out of your life, so don't feel like it has to go immediately. But I think you'll get closer to your health goals by taking a step to slightly eliminate it.

    So, now you have gone from above to "it is ok in moderation" - which is what everyone else was saying in first place.

    Yes I accept it has no nutritional benefits ( I don't think anyone was claiming it does) but it has the benefit of keeping me within my calorie allowance when regular soda would not.
    Yes of course plain water would do this too and I drink plenty of that too - but if I like diet coke and I want to drink it sometimes, why do I need to try a weekend without it, or to cut it out of my life and how will it help me reach my health goals if I omit it?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...

    Allow me to rephrase: soda is okay in moderation. But okay doesn't make it a good thing. It has zero health benefits.

    It provides satisfaction and may improve diet adherence in some people. This is a benefit.