just one thing

Ok so I've been thinking alot about "extreme" measures ever since I read the post last week by I think by "Icandoit" . There was a survey recently about what some women would do to be at their ideal weight. Some answers, cut off an arm, lose a toe....blah blah blah. Why is it we would go to such extremes and even consider maiming ourselves to be thin? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!! and...whose fault is it? So, today I will do one thing to acheive my goal, and everyday add one thing and eventualy all those little things will equal one big extreme change....Today I will drink all my water.....what will you do?


  • arubabound
    arubabound Posts: 51
    Ok so I've been thinking alot about "extreme" measures ever since I read the post last week by I think by "Icandoit" . There was a survey recently about what some women would do to be at their ideal weight. Some answers, cut off an arm, lose a toe....blah blah blah. Why is it we would go to such extremes and even consider maiming ourselves to be thin? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!! and...whose fault is it? So, today I will do one thing to acheive my goal, and everyday add one thing and eventualy all those little things will equal one big extreme change....Today I will drink all my water.....what will you do?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    There's a great website called "Mindless Eating." It's run by a university that has done a lot of research into why we eat. You can sign up--for free--and they will give you online 3 suggestions every week to help you achieve your goals as you have listed them. They send an automated email every week, too, if you want them to so as to remind you of your goals. Then every month, you can change the suggestions. I have learned a lot from it.

    It's actually run by a professor who is the brother of a former professor of mine--that's how I found out about it. Oh, and professor who runs it is currently serving as a nutritional adviser to the U.S. Government .

    Some of the "little things" they suggested on their site I have done have been--

    1) repackage snacks as soon as you get them home into one serving baggies. They discovered that people tend to mindless eat until the bag is empty if we have the whole bag in front of us
    2) rearrange your cabinets so it's harder to easily access junk food or snacks
    3) buy smaller plates! Our mind tricks us into thinking we're not eating enough it the plate is huge and the servings are "small"--even if the serving is normal size, our brain thinks it's not enough because it looks so small on the plate.
    4) Divide your plate into areas mentally--so much of the plate should have vegis, so much should have meat, so much should have grains/carbs.

    Anyway, your post reminded me of that site, so thought I'd share :smile:

    Here's the website if anyone is interested:

  • mhenry557
    mhenry557 Posts: 8
    I read an article similar to that stating that some women would take away 5 or 10 years of their life if they could be their ideal weight now. It is a great deal of the media's fault playing up all the stars having babies and then looking normal after two months! Of course they can with a personal trainer and having all the time in the world to get back in shape! They aren't on the same time tables as normal working folks.

    Well, I personally want to be around to see my grandkids! I have done the yo yo dieting for a number of years, and I've got excess skin and pounds to try and burn and smooth away with exercise and eating RIGHT for a change. I have been doing the calorie counting and exercising for almost every day of the past three weeks (going into my fourth week now) and I have not lost a whole lot of weight, but it is a steady and slow loss, which was what I geared into my mindset to avoid being disappointed. You see, with every other diet, I would lose up to 10 pounds super fast and be skinny for a while, then go right back to my old habits. THIS TIME, I am making a complete dietary change to nutritious foods, eating as much raw fruits and veggies, cutting out red meat, eating lean meats, cutting out refined foods, and eating more whole grain. I have lost an average of one pound per week and my old habits are becoming a thing of the past with every passing day. THIS type of dieting will make you healthy. THIS type of dieting will make you stronger! THIS type of dieting will make you live longer and have a greater quality of life in your old age! I'm going to be a strong and lean mom now in my thirties and a lean mean granny in my sixties, you can count on it!