Carb cycling help please!

snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
Hi all, I'm sure this has been posted before but am wanting to start carb cycling (just bought the chris Powell book). It looks pretty good and I'm relatively sorted on what I can eat at meal times, but am completely stuck when it comes to snacks! Could anyone suggest some protein snacks? Carbs seem to be relatively easy :)

Thanks so much x


  • clletourneau
    Peanut butter is a fantastic high protein, low carb snack. Watch your serving size if you are counting fat, as it is a full-fat food.
    String cheese, I go for the full fat, not the light or low cal.
    Edemame is a great snack, high protein, low carb. I buy it frozen, steam it in the microwave then put a little salt on it.
    sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds, or chia seeds, or flax seeds with some berries or fruit and coconut milk. It takes a bit to get used to, but it will keep you full.
    Cottage cheese.

    Hope this helps.