No self-control



  • I know what you mean about wanting to eat the crappy food so much that you actually go out of your way to sneak it. When I first moved in with Wesley I remember there were a few times when after he left for work I would totally pig out on food that was horrible for me... simply because I didn't want Wesley to see what a gluttonous pig I was and because I wanted to eat as much as I wanted without feeling he was judging me. And then when all was said and done I would just throw it right back up.

    It makes me mad to even just think about how much food I have puked back up since I was 15... how much money I have literally flushed down the toilet. I have since become comfortable enough with Wesley to where I no longer sneak food.
    I also have not purged for at least a month.. which is awesome for me.
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    Hang in there, you can beat this. My husband is a chronic bad eater/junk food snacker (but he did join MFP two weeks ago!!!) so I feel you on this. I agree with the previous posts, have natural almonds, pre-cut veggies etc around to grab when your boyfriend is snacking. Two other things that worked for me are when I go out to eat I always bring a tupperware container and split my meal BEFORE I start eating it. Also, don't completely deprive yourself, it sounds crazy but if you consciously allow some of the bad foods you want, you will stop craving them. For example, I can now eat one small square of chocolate with my fruit, to make it feel more like dessert. Good luck!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Planning ahead works for me. I fill out most of my food diary in the morning so I can see where I might be lacking in something (too many carbs, too much fat... whatever, and then I can make changes *before* I've eaten it).

    I don't eat fast food hardly ever. Watch Super Size Me and you'll never want to eat McD's again. Pack healthy foods, keep things like almonds or healthy bars in your purse or your car. Don't make excuses. If you *forget* your breakfast or lunch, then drive to the store and get something healthy. It's not any different than driving to McD's. (and more than likely cheaper too!). If you are going out to eat at a restaurant, then look up their nutritional information *before* going. And if you struggle w/ food around the house, then don't buy it!!! I know you said your bf eats the junk, so if he's eating something tempting then leave the room! Or maybe talk to him about the foods he is eating and how it makes you awnt to eat them and you are trying to eat healthier.

    Learn to love healthy foods. Try a new fruit or veggie. Don't think about what you *can't* eat but think about what you *can* eat. Also, if it's the convenience, then buy the veggies that are already cut up (more expensive than chopping your own, but still cheaper and better than junk!).

    And for me, I just don't eat white *crack*. Aka, white flour or white sugar. I am a former binger myself and I know my *trigger* foods. Those white foods make me crave more and more. Once you start, much harder to stop. I have been eating *clean* and healthy for a good 5 years now and it has made a HUGE difference in not only my appearance but how I feel! Good luck, you can do it!
  • I know that I really need to stay away from the white sugar and flour.. that has got to be my biggest vice. I hate that everything has bleached/un-bleached enriched flours in it (AKA bad for you).. and they're more often than not loaded with sugar or high fructose corn syrup... I feel like the grocery store is the enemy because everything ingredients listing I read more than likely contains something I know that I shouldn't have. When you are someone who is watching what they eat and limiting certain ingredients your choices at the supermarket are quite limited.. I have found that I really need to stick with basic foods and unfortunately those tend to be more inconvenient than the processed bad-for-you foods. It's a pain. And I really need to just convince myself to get over it and stop being so lazy!
  • its easy to just say forget it & go for all that overly processed good tasting food. gotta stay focused and keep in mind of all the reasons for being healthy and fit. its the only body you have, so putting natural healthy stuff should seem logical right? wish it was that easy. perseverance is important, never give up. i am there too. i am a complete sugar addict & have very little will power to stop myself. and i am on day two of this healthy life style change... good so far but its so early. old habits die hard, but they are possible to get rid of. back in march i quit smoking, all sodas & coffee and have successfully not had any slip ups. so it can be done. sugar is prolly my largest addiction... FOCUS!:smile:
  • I'm quite a lot the same! My tips would be to buy food which is healthy or healthier, healthier is key because if you really can't do without a sugary snack, buy some cereal bars or some snack packs of fruit or mini size chocolate. That way instead of having a huge chocolate bar like you normally would you will have half of the normal portion size, or something a bit better for you than your usual choice.

    My other great tip if you're very lazy like me, is to by ready made food, instead of ordering take out buy weight watchers or an equivalent make of ready meal. 5 mins and it's done and it's a lot better than a take our pizza or other things we usually grab to eat quickly.

    Bought pots of ready prepped veggies to dip in hummus, pots of fruit salad, low fat yoghurts, soup is AMAZING for a quick lazy meal. Anything that will save you time and stop you thinking of a quick unhealthy option, get a quick healthier option instead.
  • I'm exactly the same way. I have a tendency to finish up my kids' breakfasts in the morning, just to get something in and not waste it.

    But now I've decided to just be hungry until I have time to fix a proper meal for myself, or to have something ready to go if I can't cook. And when we think about eating out, I plan it out in the morning on the computer. Sometimes I have all my calories logged by 10 am before I've eaten lunch and dinner and it makes me feel confident for the day, like I don't need to think about food anymore.

    Good luck! We have tons of junk around here, too, and I save calories for the really good stuff!
  • It is a very good idea if you're hungry to wait until you can prepare yourself a proper meal.. but for me; I find that if I'm starving that I can't make it through the preparation without snacking on something. I don't know why I seem to not be able to control my hand to mouth movements lol.. it's very irritating however.. hopefully with time I can learn to have more patience and willpower... let's just cross our fingers shall we? lol
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    It is a very good idea if you're hungry to wait until you can prepare yourself a proper meal.. but for me; I find that if I'm starving that I can't make it through the preparation without snacking on something. I don't know why I seem to not be able to control my hand to mouth movements lol.. it's very irritating however.. hopefully with time I can learn to have more patience and willpower... let's just cross our fingers shall we? lol


    Not sure if you know about it or not but there is a thread called "support for binge eating disorder" that may be of assistance to you. Just click on the search button and type in those words and you will see the thread.
    Hope this helps. Good luck and don't give up.
  • Thank you! I'll check that out right away. Hopefully I can find the help I need to get on track. Thanks again! :o)
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