weight loss and lose skin

Hello Everyone!

I lot weight in past and I had tons of lose skin hanging from my arms belly and thighs and I looked horrible in mirror. After that I fell prey of anxiety, panic attacks and followed anti depressants that contributed in a lot of weight gain... I am 231 lbs now on 5'4'' height and want to lose weight again... I don't want saggy skin and definitely don't want to go for surgery.. Is there any remedy for lose skin?


  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    Yes.... for me it was time... the sooner you start the sooner you will look better...

    -- I would also recommend that you lose slowly... remember you don't have to lose everything now... just take your time and do it right..
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    Don't fret too much -- this issue is shared by everyone who loses weight. The magazines just airbrush this stuff out.
  • C1inBV
    C1inBV Posts: 1 Member
    At your height and weight, your decision to reduce is most important for your health. A lot depends on your age. As we age our skin loses its elasticity. It just won't return to its firmness as quickly after it has been stretched. Do go slow and add as much strength training as you can to help tone your body as you go. Good Luck
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    I know that with weight loss, I am going to have loose skin. I don't know what it's going to look like or feel like, but I know it's going to be there. But here is the truth....that skin is there whether I am at my weight now or at a much lower weight. The only difference is that now it is full of fat. I can be obese with fat stuffed skin, or I can be healthy with saggy skin. I avoid showing my fat thighs and fat arms now, so if I have to avoid showing saggy thighs and saggy arms...well, what's the difference. At least with saggy, I will be healthier and able to be much more active! Sometimes there are things we can't change, we just have to change how we perceive them.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Don't fret too much -- this issue is shared by everyone who loses weight. The magazines just airbrush this stuff out.

    Have you dealt with a lot of excess skin yourself? Saying don't fret is kind of like trying to console someone who's sobbing by petting them on the shoulder and saying "there, there". It can be quite depressing to work really, REALLY hard and still be disappointed with the end result. That messes with your head, big time.

    OP: I feel for you. I have the same problem, only I am a few weeks away from my TT. (I also have to repair my separated abs, but I went in for the consult mainly for vanity's sake.) If surgery really isn't an option, lose your weight slowly, with enough protein and fat in your diet. And start a resistance/weight training program yesterday. My PS said I did really well, skin-wise, considering my total weight lost, and said he sees that consistently with people who lift. Also, hydrate well and use a really good moisturizer to help with your skin overall. Best of luck!