Feedback wanted

missmooo85 Posts: 5 Member
Hello everyone!

I'm relatively new here, I've been lurking around the forums for a few weeks and you all seem to be a nice bunch of people so I'm looking for some feedback from the experienced guys and gals.

I've tried to loose weight a number of times, everything from protein only diets to exercise regimes but I don't have the attention span for it, also the protein only diet made me feel sick and as I have other issues in that area I didn't want to continue it and aggravate anything else.

I absolutely hate running, I feel like a completely uncoordinated fat blob flopping down the street (great analogy, right?) So that's a big no no until I shift a bit of the excess anyway. I do however love walking and hiking so that's what I've been doing! I work 11 hour days though so during the week, getting enough exercise is really hard. I walk to and from work (~20 minutes each way) and I have a 30 minute walk at lunch time too which *usually* gets me up to about 2200 calories burned each day (according to my fitbit) On the weekends I go walking a lot more and regularly get up to 2400. I also intend to start swimming however that's yet to happen.

So that's the background! Now for the question, I've not got any problems yet, I have seen a small decrease in weight so I'm going in the right direction at least, I'm already weighing all the foods I can and I'm logging everything religiously. The only problems I KNOW already is that I don't drink enough water and I'm too easily influenced by friends to eat junk food, if I'm on my own I'll be healthy 90% of the time, if someone else wants chips or a burger though I'll go along with it without much argument >_<

Anyway, the key to my diary is "lemoo123" If anyone can offer any tips or feedback to be most efficient or anything blindingly obvious that I'm doing wrong I'd really appreciate it! I need to loose about 20kg (44lb?) to get to my personal goal.

Thanks for reading!


  • nltg13
    nltg13 Posts: 24 Member
    As you already said you are going in the right direction. Your diary looks fine calorie wise to me, there are some days over but other days under so that averages out. If you're only looking for weight loss then you're doing just fine, if you're more interested in fitting into your macro's too then there are a few things you'd want to change about your eating habbits but to be honest there are other people who can better tell you how to do that than me. Don't worry about the odd bit of junk food around your friends so long as you can fit it into your calorie allowance then it's not a problem. Sounds like you're managing to do a nice amount of walking which is great, it doesn't matter that you dislike running, just do whatever you do enjoy!
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    First things first: Congrats! You're making strides in the right direction.

    there is a saying that abs are made in the kitchen. I try to live by the 80-20 rule. 80% eating right and exercising regularly and 20 % flex.

    Walking is GREAT exercise. FYI, I'm a runner and when I speed walk, I get all sorts of sore ;) Hiking is amazing for stabilizers and other very awesome leg muscles.

    I'm no doctor nor scientist, I can tell you what worked for me. I lost approx. 65lbs (some prior to MFP), so it's worked so far. :)

    All the best in your journey and feel free to add me. Lots of great supportive folks here on MFP! cheers,
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The main thing ill say to you is dont worry about going out with friends for food occasionally. As long as you know its coming, prepare for it. Eat less earlier in the day to make room for it.

    Don't deny yourself those treats. Go ahead, have them. Just account for them. :)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You mentioned that you don't have the attention span for pre-scribed diets. That's OK, because this is a better way to go anyway. But logging calories on here DOES take a certain amount of attention to detail. And a lot of long-term patience. It's a process, not an overnight event. It will happen slowly and you just HAVE to be patient. As much as we want to say "Hey, I've been doing this for 3 weeks and I should be seeing huge results by now!!!" it doesn't always happen that way. I haven't peeked at your diary yet, but that part of your post stuck out for me. Attention span is key to this whole process. It takes focus and time. You're on the right track by being here, this site is incredibly useful for helping us know what is going into our diets, and what we're burning through exercise and how that all fits together.

    But yes, you'll need to work on that attention span thing. Be patient. Be very very patient. And consistent. And don't get discouraged. It will happen. Just slowly.
  • missmooo85
    missmooo85 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies, greatly appreciated!

    I don't really understand the whole macro thing yet, I've tried reading the guides but still can't really get my head around it, one step at a time though, I've only just started taking notice of calories, we can't expect too much now can we :P

    It's good to know that I shouldn't worry too much about eating out with friends, the social circle I'm in at the moment is very lazy, if they're not playing computer games, they're going out for meals and drinking... Out of the three the meals is generally the only one I join in with, while I do enjoy a good gaming session, I'm really trying to get away from it and into other things.

    Patience.. I recently got a new pet cockatiel and have had to learn the art of patience with him.. I've found some ways to hold my attention, the fitbit is working quite well and I've got a number of apps on my phone to make sure I keep moving and go out more (I'm a bit of a technology addict) Hopefully by continuously playing games with myself I'll manage to stick with it, I really like having a review of my food too, so far I've not found it a chore!

    Thanks again everyone!
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, and you are welcomed here at MFP. Just wanted to ask if you have tried biking as an alternative to jogging/running. Burns great amount of calories (more than most other exercise if you get your speed up), you get to sit on your butt to exercise, and your environment changes fast enough you might not be so bored. Try it.
  • missmooo85
    missmooo85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, and you are welcomed here at MFP. Just wanted to ask if you have tried biking as an alternative to jogging/running. Burns great amount of calories (more than most other exercise if you get your speed up), you get to sit on your butt to exercise, and your environment changes fast enough you might not be so bored. Try it.

    I used to love cycling actually, I have been thinking about getting a new bike as my old one is in another country! It's actually a great idea to look into further, thanks!