When you are over your limit

Have noticed over the last few days that I have on an odd occasion had more calories than I should; more fat than I should; more protein than I should and more sugar than I should.

I hasten to add not all at the same time but rather worrying.

Two pieces of fruit and I have had more than 2/3rds of my daily allowance.

Most days everything is fine - these are the days when I run - but even though I walk my two dogs twice a day and walk to and from work five days a week and try to get out to walk when it's not a work or run day I am still as much as 3 to 400 cals more than allowed or 5 or 6 grams more on protein or fat or sugar.

Obvious answer is not to eat the stuff that puts me over but sure you can all appreciate that I (a) have to eat and (b) saying it is easy doing it is definitely not!

Having said all that, yesterday was a run day and remaining at the end of it were 521 calories; 77 carbs; 43 fat; 18 protein; 14 fibre and 15 sugar.

Today after breakfast and lunch I only have remaining 418 calories; 68 carbs; 20 fat; -2 (minus 2) protein; 10 fibre and 34 sugar. and although I have another dog walk this afternoon which will be about 45 to 60 minutes I am more than likely going to go over all or the majority of my allowances.

As I'm asking loads of questions, I do have one more if anyone can help. I have lost a total of 24 pounds so far but my waist; hips and thigh sizes have only decreased by about 0.5 of an inch if that. Is this normal?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I focus on my calories per week more than per day. This gives me more flexibility to eat more on some days and less on others.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm more focused on calories than on the other stuff and I'm slowly losing weight and inches. Some days I go over on protein or sugar or fat, but some days I go under. And it's fine. It's rare for someone to hit everything exactly every single day so don't stress.
  • SixteenthOfJuly
    Learn to eat less so you can reach your goals.
    It's simple
  • fordrst
    fordrst Posts: 16
    When I was 18, I too found everything in life simple but the older you get the wiser you become.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There's not really such a thing as 'too much protein'
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I agree with looking at the week as a whole - a deficit is built into mfp's suggested calories already. So if your overages one day are balanced by under ages on run days, you'll be fine. And clearly, your weight loss to date reflects that. As for macros, I ignore mfp's sugar macro - it's really low anyway and I am not gonna obsess over fruit sugars, KWIM?

    As far as the inches vs lbs lost, you lose where your body wants to lose. I have lost way more off my upper body than off my hips and thighs. That has come off but more slowly - it's just where I carry most of my extra weight :angry: also, are you measuring yourself or is someone less oing so? I have found measures vary considerably just based on whether or not the tape measure is on the exact same place
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    There's not really such a thing as 'too much protein'

    I agree with this for sure^^^
  • kgates121
    kgates121 Posts: 21 Member
    I find that I stay within my calories but also was going over my sugars, proteins etc. I started reading the labels more closely. If first 3-5 ingred contain sugar, I tried to cut it out. Yogurt for instance has a lot of sugar. I cut it back and found a Greek variety with less sugar. Some fruits have more sugar than others, but good for you due to the fiber they contain. Look at what you are eating, try different fruits and veggies and eating them whole or blending them with the skins and pulp as they contain the most fiber. Good luck on your journey.
  • kgates121
    kgates121 Posts: 21 Member
    What about the type of protein? Plant or animal.
  • fordrst
    fordrst Posts: 16
    Thank you all for taking the time and trouble to reply to my questions. I have read all of your answers and have made quite a few notes on what I can do to help myself.

    One thing I would say as regards sugar is that as with saturated fat, I am very conscious of both of these as my OH is a diabetic and did have high cholesterol and the advice of the dietitian when he was first diagnosed was that if it had less than 5g per 100g of both sugar and sat fat, then it was alright for him and I have stuck to that for myself.

    So, all things with a greater than 5g/100g are not purchased and that includes yoghurts! I now 'make' my own by using Alpro Simply Plain which has 2.1g sugar/100g and TOTAL fat of 2.3g per 100g of which 0.4g is saturated and NIL cholesterol. With 20 to 25g fresh fruit (strawberries, raspberries, apple or orange or occasionally banana) added I find it delicious and if you wrap in clingfilm any excess fruit it will keep for a couple of days in the fridge.

    Thank you all again.