Stuck at the Same Weight for Two Weeks



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Workout: every night before dinner I jug/run 1 mile, walk 1 mile and then speed walk one mile
    So you're using probably 350-400 calories. When you come up with your healthy goal weight x 10, add 100-200 calories when you exercise like this.
    My job also has me on my feet and lifting things throughout the day
    Are you entering that exercise into your MFP diary? Because just standing uses muscles & calories.
    Your diary should be screaming at you that you're not eating enough!
    I also have 1 100% garcinia cambogia pill before breakfast and lunch.
    Save your money.
    Breakfast: Special K Red Berry Cereal with skim milk
    Lunch: 1 cup strawberries and 1 banana
    That right there, the whole thing, should be breakfast.
    And I agree with whoever said substitute oatmeal for the special K. Throw in some chopped walnuts too, maybe a diced apple.
    More fiber, more nutrients, it'll fill you up longer, and control your blood sugar better.

    What I do for breakfast nearly every day: 12oz of 2% milk + a serving of carnation instant breakfast + 1 banana. That's about 450 calories. I really hate eating in the morning.
    Some days I'll scramble 2 eggs, and fold in a cup of sauteed veggies (onion, mushroom, zucchini, asparagus, whatever's handy), top it with 1/4 cup of cheese (regular-fat cheese), & sometimes salsa.
    Other days I'll have a cup of cottage cheese (again, regular fat) with berries.
    I've tried skim milk, drank it for years, but it doesn't satisfy like 2%. Ditto for nonfat cottage cheese. Some fat in the diet is good.
    Dinner: Brocolli with reduced fat cheese, or the occasional low point weight watchers meal (under 5 WW points).
    Snack: Cucumbers, occasionally a caramel rice cake with pb2 peanut butter.
    Add in some protein, such as fish, chicken, beans, even beef or pork, and that would be OK for dinner. Better still if you added another vegetable, and some fruit & a couple chocolate kisses for dessert.

    So for lunch?
    How about a big salad with toppings of tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, fat free croutons, garbanzo beans, cheese, hard boiled egg... any or all of the above, with a low-fat or fat-free dressing. Put it in a little contaner, dip your fork before you spear the veggies.

    Or a half sandwich of turkey & a slice of cheese, tomato, lettuce, with mustard & maybe a little mayo & relish, on whole-grain bread. (Get good bread, not the squishy white stuff.)

    Snacks: yogurt (esp. Greek), fruit, pretzels, a piece (oz) of cheese, nuts,
    veggies (baby carrots, celery sticks, slices of bell pepper, cucumber), dip them in hummus,
    a serving of pita chips & a wedge of laughing cow cheese.
    Make a smoothie with yogurt, frozen fruit, and enough milk to thin it out.
    Try some low-fat frozen yogurt, or a fudgesicle, or a frozen fruit bar.
  • starrsearching711
    Thanks for all the advice guys.

    My only problem is that I'm not hungry, so eating this little doesn't feel like I'm eating a little. Eating a banana can fill be up for the afternoon.

    Since I'm so busy, I don't have "normal" meal times. Additionally, when I get together with people, it's not at meal times, so I'm not around people who are eating all the time.

    Is it normal not to be hungry? As I read through the comments I'm nodding to a lot of people saying "you need to be eating more" because on paper, I agree. But my problem is that I'm not hungry. I'm thinking about talking about this with my doctor when I go in for a check up, because there's multiple things about this whole weight loss with my body that have been different than many people that I've spoken with about this.

    Thanks again!
  • WisheeNY
    WisheeNY Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds like you SHOULD be losing considering how little you eat and how much you exercise. This probably sounds weird coming from someone who's 300lbs but I have a hard time eating sometimes too because I think I'm not really hungry. One thing I've seen people on MFP say though is that you can't really count on your body to tell you that you're hungry. So you need to eat. Even though you don't feel hungry. Wouldn't want you getting sick because you're eating so little and working out so much.

    Also in regards to the scale not moving for two weeks... ever since I started dropping pounds it's been like that. I weigh once a week and one week I'll lose 2 lbs... the next week nothing... the next week I lose 5 lbs... the next week nothing... the next week 3 pounds. It used to upset me but I figure as long as I keep seeing the lines on my progress chart going down, down, down, I'm happy.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Seems like some very generic advice to be giving someone without even looking at the situation at hand. Which is that the OP is barely eating.

    I guess it could seem like generic advice if I wasn't specifically saying she should stop focusing on the scale and start focusing on the things that are important to her such as getting back into athletic form. I assume you didn't actually read what I wrote where I specifically said that she needs to make sure she is fueling her body to get the athletic gains she wants and that if she is not getting the gains she wants she is probably not fueling her body properly.

    There's no need to be judgemental, we are all just here offering the best advice we can for people who are all in the same boat we are or were in. It's up to the person reading to decide what makes the most sense to them.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member

    Okay, so if the OP came back and said that she is feeling fine and getting better in the gym then would you tell her to keep doing what she's doing? Would you tell her to continue eating the minimal amounts that she currently is? I would suspect you might due to the fact that you are pointing out that it's the indicator you're talking about?

    As far as being judgmental, I reserve the right to call out any advice I feel is not correct.


    If someone is feeling healthy and getting stronger that is the point of a good diet. I honestly don't even know why you would ask that question as the answer is incredibly obvious.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Okay, so if the OP came back and said that she is feeling fine and getting better in the gym then would you tell her to keep doing what she's doing? Would you tell her to continue eating the minimal amounts that she currently is? I would suspect you might due to the fact that you are pointing out that it's the indicator you're talking about?

    As far as being judgmental, I reserve the right to call out any advice I feel is not correct.


    If someone is feeling healthy and getting stronger that is the point of a good diet. I honestly don't even know why you would ask that question as the answer is incredibly obvious.

    So since the OP isn't eating 1200 calories you think that's okay and she should continue doing that if she feels fine on it? No. Just no. She's damaging herself.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Good lord, EAT MORE! Strawberries and a banana is NOT lunch!

    Also, garcina cambogia is a scam. It doesn't work. (if it did, you wouldn't be stalling, now would you?)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys.

    My only problem is that I'm not hungry, so eating this little doesn't feel like I'm eating a little. Eating a banana can fill be up for the afternoon.

    Since I'm so busy, I don't have "normal" meal times. Additionally, when I get together with people, it's not at meal times, so I'm not around people who are eating all the time.

    Is it normal not to be hungry? As I read through the comments I'm nodding to a lot of people saying "you need to be eating more" because on paper, I agree. But my problem is that I'm not hungry. I'm thinking about talking about this with my doctor when I go in for a check up, because there's multiple things about this whole weight loss with my body that have been different than many people that I've spoken with about this.

    Thanks again!


    You aren't hungry because the body is a amazingly efficient machine and since you haven't been giving it all that it needs it's created a hormone to suppress hunger. Your body can live like that for a little while but not forever. Now while you are not giving it what it needs, it'll have no choice but to try to get it's nutrients from your body, pulling protein from muscles and calcium from bones. One of the muscles it could be pulling protein from is your heart. Pulling calcium from bones is really bad and can lead to things like osteoporosis. You're young. Really young, you don't want that to happen any earlier than it needs to. So while you may not be hungry, your body still needs more food. So please, read the links I provided and eat more food! You are damaging your body that could take a really long time to repair.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member

    Okay, so if the OP came back and said that she is feeling fine and getting better in the gym then would you tell her to keep doing what she's doing? Would you tell her to continue eating the minimal amounts that she currently is? I would suspect you might due to the fact that you are pointing out that it's the indicator you're talking about?

    As far as being judgmental, I reserve the right to call out any advice I feel is not correct.


    If someone is feeling healthy and getting stronger that is the point of a good diet. I honestly don't even know why you would ask that question as the answer is incredibly obvious.
    Interesting, so the fact that the OP is barely eating makes no difference? I guess as long as she feels fine then who cares huh? That is at least until she starts to feel the effects of such low calories. Then at that point I guess she should do what? Eat more to recover?

    You saying that an obviously wrong answer is obvious, is only true for someone who is obviously lacking the basic knowledge and understanding of how proper nutrition for overall health works. Obviously.

    All right, well you go on telling people about the magic number of calories you want them to eat and I will go on encouraging people to actually listen to their body and eat the calories they need to be healthy, active and strong.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Okay, so if the OP came back and said that she is feeling fine and getting better in the gym then would you tell her to keep doing what she's doing? Would you tell her to continue eating the minimal amounts that she currently is? I would suspect you might due to the fact that you are pointing out that it's the indicator you're talking about?

    As far as being judgmental, I reserve the right to call out any advice I feel is not correct.


    If someone is feeling healthy and getting stronger that is the point of a good diet. I honestly don't even know why you would ask that question as the answer is incredibly obvious.
    Interesting, so the fact that the OP is barely eating makes no difference? I guess as long as she feels fine then who cares huh? That is at least until she starts to feel the effects of such low calories. Then at that point I guess she should do what? Eat more to recover?

    You saying that an obviously wrong answer is obvious, is only true for someone who is obviously lacking the basic knowledge and understanding of how proper nutrition for overall health works. Obviously.

    All right, well you go on telling people about the magic number of calories you want them to eat and I will go on encouraging people to actually listen to their body and eat the calories they need to be healthy, active and strong.

    Let's just say OP is only eating 600 calories a day...You still think that's okay and should be encouraged if she's not hungry?

    Most bodies vital organs need 1200 just to operate. So if someone is day in and day out eating only 600-700 calories a day they are damaging their organs and it IS dangerous. That should in no way be promoted or cheered on.

    You want people to listen to their bodies, well the thing is if they are not eating what they should be eating to feed even just their vital organs, the body is efficient and will create a hormone to suppress hunger. A persons body can survive for a little while, but not forever. It WILL start pulling protein from the muscles, one of those muscles being the persons HEART, and pulling calcium from bones. Leading to doing more damage than good. The heart will end up damaged and that really isn't something that will or can be fixed. They'll start losing bone density which can lead to brittle bones and osteoporosis.

    So you think cheering someone on into a possible ED is okay, you go right ahead, however, when you promote people doing VLCD it IS against the TOS of MFP. Because VLCD are dangerous.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Let's just say OP is only eating 600 calories a day...You still think that's okay and should be encouraged if she's not hungry?

    Maybe the rules of my planet are different than your planet.

    On my planet, malnourished people do not get stronger. By definition they get weaker. Their body, faced with a catastrophic deficit of calories and nutrition, cannibalizes the very sinew of their flesh that propels them forward.

    On my planet, people do not get stronger and better as they starve themselves. They degrade and fall apart. They become weak until they can no longer function.

    My planet might be different than your planet. On your planet maybe the opposite in the case and I can not comment about that. I live here, on my world.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Let's just say OP is only eating 600 calories a day...You still think that's okay and should be encouraged if she's not hungry?

    Maybe the rules of my planet are different than your planet.

    On my planet, malnourished people do not get stronger. By definition they get weaker. Their body, faced with a catastrophic deficit of calories and nutrition, cannibalizes the very sinew of their flesh that propels them forward.

    On my planet, people do not get stronger and better as they starve themselves. They degrade and fall apart. They become weak until they can no longer function.

    My planet might be different than your planet. On your planet maybe the opposite in the case and I can not comment about that. I live here, on my world.

    You're the one encouraging OP who is NOT eating anywhere near what she should be eating to continue eating as low as she is. Yet you claim on "your planet" they would damage themselves...but you're still going to encourage that. Good to know.

    I'll continue to warn the person of the possible dangers and harm they are doing to themselves and will NOT encourage or promote VLCD.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member

    You're the one encouraging OP who is NOT eating anywhere near what she should be eating to continue eating as low as she is. Yet you claim on "your planet" they would damage themselves...but you're still going to encourage that. Good to know.

    I'll continue to warn the person of the possible dangers and harm they are doing to themselves and will NOT encourage or promote VLCD.

    And that's what the internet is for, people offering different opinions with differing levels of expertise with often differing viewpoints. I understand you can't agree at this point because you're a human with a point to make but what I specifically said in my initial post was to take a look at her actual fitness, her runs and her workouts and see if she was feeding herself well enough to encourage gains in those areas.

    I'm not some cruel monster here to banish someone to the dreadful nightmare of an eating disorder, to the contrary, I was reminding her that the scale is a horrible measure of progress and she should look to other areas, ones that are important to her, and make decisions about nutrition and eating based on those instead of the scale.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    You're the one encouraging OP who is NOT eating anywhere near what she should be eating to continue eating as low as she is. Yet you claim on "your planet" they would damage themselves...but you're still going to encourage that. Good to know.

    I'll continue to warn the person of the possible dangers and harm they are doing to themselves and will NOT encourage or promote VLCD.

    And that's what the internet is for, people offering different opinions with differing levels of expertise with often differing viewpoints. I understand you can't agree at this point because you're a human with a point to make but what I specifically said in my initial post was to take a look at her actual fitness, her runs and her workouts and see if she was feeding herself well enough to encourage gains in those areas.

    I'm not some cruel monster here to banish someone to the dreadful nightmare of an eating disorder, to the contrary, I was reminding her that the scale is a horrible measure of progress and she should look to other areas, ones that are important to her, and make decisions about nutrition and eating based on those instead of the scale.

    While I actually agree the scale isn't always a great measure. I started lifting all the heavy things and my scale hasn't moved but I've lost inches.

    But when you say things like that you are going to encourage them to listen to their bodies when it's clear by what OP has posted that she's not getting enough food a day to fuel her body and her workouts, and she says she's not hungry, you can't encourage someone to then just listen to their bodies because their body is suppressing their hunger signals because it's not getting enough fuel so it's trying to protect itself and adapt for a short time.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Okay, okay, okay.

    OP... Maybe your Cambodian Garcia or whatever has you buzzing which suppresses your appetite or it has you believing that you aren't hungry. Whatever.

    Quit taking the "diet" product.
    Eat more calories.

    If you genuinely can't eat more, see your doctor. Having a "not hungry" day or being too hot or too tired ONCE IN AWHILE happens. But for 2 weeks? Nope.
  • starrsearching711
    I appreciate all three of your concerns, comments and views. I'm the OP that you each are advocating for and arguing against. I'm seeing a doctor about all of this on Wednesday. I don't know if you all are intending to come across as fighting on this post, but you are. Please stop. My favorite thing about MFP is how encouraging everyone is, and reading through each of you going back and forth and calling each other stupid is so discouraging.