What do you think of this? Body set-point?

I'm curious! I watched this video and enjoyed it. This neuroscientist discusses weight loss and weight gain, pertaining to the body's pre-established 'set point.'


I thought it was an interesting video! What are your thoughts?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    At this point, the "Set Point" is still a theory and there are variations of it.

    The version I have heard (while attending college) is that the body has a set weight that it tries to remain at. But, this point is only created once the body stays in a certain weight range for a significant amount of time, like a year. So, if your weight has steadily increased or decreased for years, you probably don't have one at the moment. But if you've been at 150 to 155 (just an example) then you probably do have a set point.

    From there, the body does several tweaks to help keep you within that range, ALL of which can be overcome. Then, after a significant amount of time maintaining a new weight, the body adjusts to that weight as the new set point.

    I am inclined to believe it due to the small evidence I have seen in others, myself, and educated nutritionists. But, I'd not bet my life on it, or bat an eyelash if it was scientifically proven as false.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    That is a very good video.