Searching For Diet Buddy!


I have just had a huge shock- I signed back in on this website and realised that a) I hadn't used it for over a year and b) I am ONE lb less than I was back then. Oh deary me.

I am currently using the Beck Diet Solution book (which isn't so much about telling you what to eat, more about how to change your thinking), I am also giving the 5:2 diet a go as the health benefits are really interesting.

I'm short (5ft!), 23 and have 41lb :( to lose. I don't have a lot of support, and I think that it's really important to be able to speak with others doing the same thing, so if there is anyone out there that would like to be my diet buddy then please send me a message :)



  • Humblepie1
    Humblepie1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there I am happy to be your diet buddy. I too have just signed in again after about a year and slightly heavier!! I am 5 ft 3 inches tall and being realistic want to lose around 18lb. I have tried every diet under the sun and joined all the clubs but have never ever reached my target. Have decided to go back to the old fashioned way and count calories. My weigh in is on a Saturday and this first week have lost 2 1/2lb which I am pleased about, the test for me is not putting in it back on this week. Good luck x
  • ImeldaMGF
    ImeldaMGF Posts: 13
    I'm also looking for a diet buddy, we're a bit different in that I'm nearly 40 and planning to lose weight with healthy eating and exercise but I guess our goal is the same.
  • skhuu
    skhuu Posts: 25 Member

    Welcome back! I will agree that it's definitely hard to stick to a lifestyle change when you don't have any support. I had started myfitness pal in 2011 (and attempted other weight loss plans prior to that) and never succeeded more than 6 weeks. I had started up again when my husband signed up for myfitness pal and we committed to healthy eating and more exercise. We encourage each other and now have another passion to share with each other.

    I gained about 5 pounds when I came back and saw where I used to be. So you're already on the right track!
  • arafaa
    arafaa Posts: 9 Member
    Hello :) I can relate to you on the lack of support. I gained a lot of weight my senior year in college. I didn't notice until one day I saw a picture of myself and saw that my cheeks looked puffier and there was the formation of a second chin when I smiled :( It was a shock. My mom kept telling me I didn't need to lose weight and got upset when I tried to eat smaller portions. Getting started is the hardest part. I will be here to support you! It's easier when you have a support group :)
  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    Thank you so much for your replies!!

    Arafaa- I know the second chin feeling; I noticed mine when I saw my reflection looking down onto my phone!!

    Skhuu - Thankyou :) You're lucky to have your husband around! Perhaps I will find myself a boyfriend who needs to lose a few lbs to so I can have some extra encouragement ;)

    Imelda- I should have said, I also plan on eating healthily and exercising, the 5:2 just introduces 2 really low calorie days a week (there's a lot of research into it), some people eat what they want on the other days, but I want to change my eating habits for the better for good!

    Humblepie - Well done on the loss! I am going to weigh myself tomorrow (no scales at my house) & take it from there :)
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member
    Hey :)

    I'm 25, 5 ft 4 (164cm) and have 41lb (19 kg) to lose also.

    I too gained weight back- have 22lb (10kg) to go until I hit my lowest ever adult weight.

    Feel free to add me, I'm always about.

  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    DIEts don't exist. LIFEstyle changes do.
  • crissy_w
    crissy_w Posts: 5 Member

    Totally understand the need of a diet buddy.

    I have been on and off the site for a few years. But I did lose 4 stone prior to joining the site.

    I do tend to flex within a stone but have got a focus back to drop back down and settle again. Using diet and exercise.

    Buddies always welcome :)
  • :smile:
  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    I am looking for a phone buddy. Someone one to chat with once a day. I used to go to Over Eaters Ann. but they stopped meeting in my area. Talking is better for me then messages to keep me accountable. I am starting Wonder Slim on Monday because they have really good high protein snacks and shakes but shakes like special K or Slim Fast will do in a pinch. I have 15-20 pounds to lose by August and feel that this is doable. I exercise 5 days a week on my treadmill or Stairmaster and lift weights about twice week. I cant run on pavement anymore due to bad hips and knees:laugh: Let me know and I will send you my phone number. This is an AWESOME site. Best one on the internet in my opinion.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Feel free to add me, we have similar goals. I'm 5'2 and still have about 40ish more pounds to lose :)
  • kennysarah
    kennysarah Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me!! I am 5'2" and have struggled my entire life! I do really well and then completely blow it. I feel so bloated the next day after a binge. We can keep each other on track!
  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    I will be your buddy! I tend to do OK during the week but undo it all on the weekends and gain the weight back plus more. This weekend was particularly bad and I gained 5 pounds.
  • nlow83
    nlow83 Posts: 2
    I would love a diet buddy! I'm 5'2, 135lbs. I workout a lot and I'm a vegan. Anyone feel free to reach out if you'd like some support.
  • babyfat6969
    babyfat6969 Posts: 23 Member
    hello we have alot in common , i too have recently just logged back in after a year , im 4"9 lol (short) and i have over 40 lbs to lose ,
    I love to make new lifelong friends on here , so we can support eachother , good luck ,\hope to talk soon , please add me !!!!
  • courtney123180
    courtney123180 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 33 yrs old, 5ft 2in and 194 lbs. i have about 75 lbs to lose i think, and this isn't my first rodeo on MFP either. you are welcome to add me :)
  • christine_inPA
    christine_inPA Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Natalee, are you still looking for buddies. I would love buddies. I've been away for a short period, since March I guess, but need to get back at it so I don't have weight gain. :) Please feel free to add me or anyone else can message me. I welcome support and accountability. It is the only way I lost the first 36 and the only way I will loose the last 35. :)
  • dgbrown13
    dgbrown13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Christine,

    I would love to have you as a buddy! I start then stop then start again, but today is the last time that I am going to start because I just am not going to stop again. I am going to be consistent and check the site at least once a day for accountability and support. That is the only way to get the most from the site (which is AWSOME by the way. Can't believe it's free!:smile:
  • Mottyk
    Mottyk Posts: 4 Member
    I am in your same boat. I just turned 40 and realized how much harder it is to lose weight now. I am looking to lose 20 pounds through eating healthier and exercise. I would love to join in and hopefully help each other!!!
  • lbishop232
    lbishop232 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 5'1 and am at 163 pounds! I've lost 40 pounds since January and want to lose 40 more. The weights coming off a lot slower now and Im getting discouraged. I workout almost everyday and eat pretty good. I would love to have more friends so we can help and support each other to reach our goals. It looks like we all have some common goals, so please feel free to add me :-)