It's T-Shirt Time!!!

Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
OK Guys, The women have their little black dress challenge going on for New Years. So I thought what challenge could us guys do for New Years. That's when it hit me. What about T-Shirt Time yes from the TV show Jersey Shore. Unfortunately my wife got me watching that train wreck of a show. It is actually full of classic lines (like dirty little hamster), but one that stuck out to me was prior to going out at night the crew would walk around singing "It's T-Shirt Time!!!". So that where I came up with the name.

The purpose is to be able to put on one of those super tight T-Shirts. To be honest for me it's not going to happen by New Years, but I figure this is a way for to keep me motivated. Just knowing that other guys are taking the challenge, will keep me accountable. Hopefully it will do the same for you.

OK, so what is the Challenge?

The Rules will be as follows:
1) Replace one meal a day with Shakeology. If you don't know what Shakeology is shoot me a message.
2) Eat relatively clean the rest of the meals during the day. (I'm realistic)
3) Drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day.
4) Do at least 30 mins of exercise 5-6 days a week (really try to do 6).
5) You may only have 1 cheat meal a week.
6) Track your food and exercise on MFP and make your diary public for all to see. (Be accountable!)
7) Post here on a regular basis. Post your progress, your failures and failures. (Be accountable!)

Depending on how many people I get to join this challenge, there may be prizes in a few different categories. (Most Posts, most weight lost, most minutes exercised, etc...) I'm looking at a tenative start date of November 8th, 2010. Which would put us at 8 weeks until New Years. Who's with me???


  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Not a guy here, but that certainly sounds like a fun way to challenge yourselves. Great idea and good luck on reaching your goals.
