Some discoveries I'm making about food



  • jessherna25
    jessherna25 Posts: 19 Member
    had the shock of my life when i found out one small reeses cups is 80 calories!! i had eaten a huge bowl of delicious almond coconut chocolate oatmeal with maple greek yogurt and almond butter, and all that had less calories than 5 reese's :noway: :noway:
  • lorocks61
    lorocks61 Posts: 15
    Sodium levels of everything! Hubby had a heart attack, and now must consume under 2000 mg. He is having a hard time getting enough calories in without going over his limit. He's lost 10 pounds that he didn't need to lose. I spend a lot of time trying to find snacky foods that he can eat during the day. (Construction worker). It really eliminates a lot of junk food. He has a better understanding of what I go through to balance my day now. Good thing we both like to cook.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    For me, it was avocado and nuts. In college, I tried to eat healthier and I heard that avocado and nuts were good for you so I ate that and gained a good 7 pounds because of it. LOL. I know better now; moderate intake is best. But as for processed foods, I used to eat tons of frozen dinners when I was little. Now I read the nutrition labels for those same brands and I'm thinking, no wonder I was chubby and no wonder my stomach had hurt every single day. I used to think food is food but unfortunately, that is not the case. There is high quality food and then there's low quality food. I'm so glad I've changed my diet since college. :)
  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    I think the trick to eating out is being that annoying, picky customer. If I eat out, I'll generally get a salad, but with grilled chicken, even if the salad comes with fried, dressing and cheese absolutely on the side (I usually actually sub salsa or slices of lemon for dressing and go without cheese), and no croutons. If I get a meal, I try to pack half of it away right off the bat, into a to-go box, sauces are always on the side. Sometimes I give in to the craving and eat everything and then regret it.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    buying a food scale and using measuring cups/spoons opened my eyes about portion servings. Definitely recommend it if you don't have one yet! I'm seriously missing mine :( Left it back home when I came overseas :(

    ^^This^^ is key to accurately count calories!
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    This is more of a general observation than anything else... I'm discovering that a lot of my favorite foods are higher in sodium than I thought... A lot of them are higher in calories too. It's almost to the point where I have to anticipate where I'm going and what I'm going to eat. It's difficult at times.

    Are any of you discovering any nasty surprises with food?

    This is a great topic.. so bumping for that, and want to say +1 for the attractive lady that got the ball rolling on this.

    And I agree..being on a strict paleo diet, I caved and cheated when my company brought in beagles from Panera... sodium levels where insane... and sodium is basically adult acne disguised as wasted carbs.

    What's wrong with sodium?
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Like someone else said, the portion of cereal is sad and small. Same for pasta. In general, the serving size of all the carby starchy foods I love are obscenely small.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I got worried by the sodium I was eating a while ago.
    Then I researched it a bit.
    Checked my blood pressure was fine (it was around about ideal).
    Stopped worrying about it.

    Calories of course I certainly do worry about - when on a deficit some things I'll appreciate I can only justify if I've gone out for an hour's run or whatever.