Advice on my stall...

I've had a read through a lot of posts and picked up some great advice, but I'd just like the chance to get some input into my personal situation.
Since last September I've lost about 30kg, mainly through a low calorie diet (nothing less than 1200) and gradually increasing my exercise as I got fitter. I'm still 10-15kg away from my goal (I'm 5'2") and have slowed right down. I've never been more active or fit in my life, yet I've never had such a stall in my loss. I've had a few blow outs over the last few days but am back on track today.
Hopefully I've opened my food diary up correctly so you can all see. I weigh each day as I've found this motivates me, and seem to fluctuate up and down by 0.5kg each day!
Any advice would be much appreciated, and please be kind.


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    My weight does go up and down by that much daily, if not more. How long have you been stalled? I'd allow 4-8 weeks before calling a stall. What do you weigh and what is your daily target set to?

    Edit: sorry daily target as mentioned = 1200. I think I meant what is your weekly loss target set to, like how many lbs per week
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well I took a peak at your diary...

    I see some entries I would question...

    The items with Homemade did you make them? or was just an entry?
    Entry My carmel fudge? yours?
    the peanut butter protien bar? did you make it?

    there are other entries that are not in grams but most are.

    Unless you made it or you entered the data using entries from the database that start with Homemade or are a bit off then chances are they could be incorrect for you.

    I also noticed some things aren't weighed...

    And that there are a lot of days you are under 1200 net...

    As well there are days that you are over by 1k

    Other than that I would say just give it some time...don't stress it...