Flat Feet!

Hello People! I was wondering if any of my fellow flat feet out there had suggestions for workout shoes... everything always hurts b/c there's either too much or not enough arch. I almost never buy women's shoes b/c they are made more narrow, but beyond that I feel like my shoes only last a cpl months before they hurt to work out in again :/ I've tried insoles and all that-just wondering who has other suggestions or brands they swear by.

Thanks All =D


  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    The Dr. Scholl's inserts from Walmart are the only that has helped me. The shoes that seem to hold up the best for me are Asics. But again, without the inserts, my feet hurt anyway. If inserts aren't helping you, you may need custom orthotics. Maybe ask your doctor about them?