active 50+ with weight loss goal

i'm 57 and very active with my animals. i ride horses almost every day and walk my dogs. i hope to lose 10 lbs before the holidays. having accountability works for me so by posting my intake i'm more likely to eat healthy. my weakness is chocolate chip cookies and milk. what about you?


  • kpeterson00
    kpeterson00 Posts: 15 Member
    I am 53 , not very active. I have tried WW and not sure I liked it, not sure if I took in a lot of calories or not. But I am really liking this MFP so far. Accountability and seeing the weight fluctuation each day does inspire me. For some reason, I can get down 8 lbs and then gain 3 back, it is frustrating. But I am determined to stick to this plan, I need to for my health.
    Keep up the good work.
  • Jansapphire
    The holidays are just around the corner and I as well would love to lose some extra pounds, my weakness is Baked Cheetos !!! ooops ok and Chocolate - fingers crossed I do much better this Halloween !!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    Hey I'm 51, also active, also with horses. I hope to lose 10lbs by December.

    Where are you located and what kind of riding?
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    49 , nearly 50 ! Want to lose 10-15lbs before the "BIG Birthday " next year, good luck to us all