Dieting on-the-go

Hello! Long time lurker, but first time poster :) I have reached a bit of a plateau (no weight loss in over 2 weeks!), so I'm reaching out to the wonderful MFP community. As part of my training at school, I started a new ~job a month ago, and I've found it soooo difficult to maintain my diet/exercise habits while on-the-go...any advice would be fantastic! Would love to finally make some MFP friends--I could use the motivation, and I'd love to return the favor as well!


  • RachR669
    RachR669 Posts: 79
    Hey! Personally I think the secret to healthy eating on the go is preparation. I used to bulk cook over the weekend freeze and fridge proportioned meals and then just grab a box and go! It's not the most exciting way of eating but it kept me on track. Now I tend do just bulk make lunches as with a young family I tend to need to cook every night! Does that help at all?
  • ehcem12
    ehcem12 Posts: 4
    Thanks, RachR669! That is super helpful! I have been trying to pick the healthier option in the hospital food court, or to stuff my pockets with healthy snacks...but I've found that I end up overeating when I get home after work. Preparing things in bulk--like making lunches on Sunday that last the entire week--should help a lot; I'm going to try it asap!

    P.S. If anyone has easy recipes (I am very much so a beginner chef...) for food I can freeze & reheat, links would be sooo appreciated.