biggest ever

Well i have tried just about everything to lose weight but food seems to win every time...i just can't overcome the urge to eat :/
I am engaged he is big also and we have 4 kids together (2 i gave birth too) Any motivation i can get will help me out so much...


  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    What other motivation than your fiance and your 4 kids do you need... personally nothing pushed me to be healthy more than thinking of my future. I would love to be that parent that could play ball with my kids some day..

    Food wins every time? that's good you need the calories... just make sure its the right food that wins.

    Plan your meals ahead of time, I'm sure youre busy but you can use MFP on the go...
    Failing to plan is planning to fail... simple as that

    We're all here to help each other (feel free to add) but honestly ... family support is were its at.. eating healthy aint so hard if everyone at the table is eating the same
  • ChalkChalkx
    ChalkChalkx Posts: 13 Member
    Self-control. Get some or it'll be soo difficult. I'd just not to completely dive into it.. For example if you eat a whole chocolate bar everyday, cut it down to eating half everyday or just a piece of it. Use small bowls and dishes, makes EVERYTHING look bigger. When you start thinking about food, distract yourself. If you simply MUST give in, take just a little bit a day, or little bits through out the day. You can try eating small frequent meals, but don't time it ( Personally feel that's unhealthy, unless you can handle it). Don't eat when/what your kids eat. Try to get your husband to join in too, If he can't/won't, don't dwell on it too much. Surround yourself with healthy snacks. Living with kids probably means loads of snacks but there are alternatives.

    I.E : Replace chocolate chip cookie with oatmeal raisin
    Full calorie mouth watering vanilla/chocolate cake? Try carrot cake.
    Soda?? Whatt?? Make Mine Milk/water/ice tea/tea/flavored water/fruit smoothie
    Chips?? Nope. Salad, fruit salad.
    Ice cream?? WHAAT?? How about a yogurt?

    See what I'm getting at? Healthy life style, not dieting. Make healthy choices but don't dive in cold turkey. Reward yourself.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Motivation has got be those kiddos and fiancé, and if not that, have you tried a reward system with yourself? "10lbs lost = ____", "20lbs down = ___" and so on :)

    Can you tell us more to maybe help you out, with the food, exercise, etc?

    What is going on when food "wins" ? Is there a pattern to it?