Healthy, and still fun, Halloween?

leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
This is my most favorite holiday of alllllllll time!

I usually don't pass out candy because I'm out with my daughter. This year will be different. I'm having a party while the kids are out in the neighborhood. They are old enough now to go out without me. The other parents will be taking turns keeping an eye on them. So I'm not quite sure what I'll be passing out. I want to make sure whatever I do pass out, I can eat if there are left overs and I'll feel comfortable with.....

I'd love to do apples, but I remember when I was a kid what happened to my neighbors house who did that.......:frown:

After being in the dental industry for 10 years, I'm tempted to do toothbrushes, lol. But I'm not a millionaire.......:grumble:

Vegan candy is too expensive too......:tongue:

I'll figure something out, I'm crafty like that. Whatever I decide, it will express my love for nutrition and a healthy planet. And the kids will still like it, even if it is unorthodox...

What are you doing to keep it healthy and clean?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My favorite suggestion on MFP has been play doh. What kid (and kid at heart) doesn't love play doh? You can get it at the dollar store super cheap. You can give out Halloween toys, too, like skull/spider rings, and festive erasers. Halloween doesn't have to be about the candy. The kids will have plenty from the neighbors anyway.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    or stickers, pencils, fun erasers, boxes of raisins, spider rings
  • Give out pretzles!
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Oooh, great post! And great ideas! Love the play-doh idea. I never thought of that!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Stickers, temp tattoos, spider rings, glow sticks, etc. My doughter loves getting the non-candy treats.
  • Give out candy. It's Halloween, live a little. If you have left overs leave it outside the door with a free candy sign. My kids bring back loads of the stuff and we stash it in a bowl on top of the dining room table and forget about it. I'll probably mix what's left from last year into my hand outs this year. Focus on your party and have fun. Don't overthink the handouts.
  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71
    I'm sure parents are aware that the kids will be getting sugar in many forms. So, I do not feel bad handing out goodies that contain sugar. But I also don't want to have the temptation there for me, I will eat chocolate, I know myself :blushing:
    So the kids coming to my door are getting coupons for Wendy's frostys.
    A book of 10 is only $1 and the dollar goes to the Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation :happy:
  • Ooooo! Tatoos! Everybody loves tatoos!

    Except maybe the mom who discovers whilst getting ready for church that her child looks like a biker gone bananas at a cartoon network sticker party.......:laugh: Oh the joys of taking your eyes off your kid for 20 minutes when you think they are finally taking the shower seriously....

    I saw bags of lollipops at the health food store yesterday. It was about 50+ lollipops for 5 bucks. A little steep in my opinion, but they looked so yummy!

    Being the parent of a kid with allergies has made me super sensitive to certain things. Can't expect anyone to accomadate us, but I want to be able to accomodate those like us. These pops were organic, gluten free, vegan, kosher, halal, yadda, yadda, yadda...... And super yummy flavors like pomegranate and mango!

    I like the play dough Idea too! I think I'll head to the dollar store today and check out the merchandise....

    Great ideas! Keep em coming!
    Were having a party too and taking my kids around the neighborhood real early on so we can come back here and hand out- GLOW STICKS!! Also did not want the candy around, and kids love glow sticks, especially on Hallowen not only is it healthier then junk candy but is great for safety on Halloween night, fun for kids and I know they'll all want to be using them right after they get them!
  • Give out candy. It's Halloween, live a little. If you have left overs leave it outside the door with a free candy sign. My kids bring back loads of the stuff and we stash it in a bowl on top of the dining room table and forget about it. I'll probably mix what's left from last year into my hand outs this year. Focus on your party and have fun. Don't overthink the handouts.

    Overthink? This is MY Christmas..... I start preparing on October 1st. And I love every minute of it.
    I appreciate your opinion, but I'm sure we will get planty of candy that we will have to give away due to allergies. I try to make this an enjoyable time for us, minus the unhealthy garbage. If I won't eat it, I'm not going to give it to someone elses kid.
    I'm just trying to be fun and creative without sacrificing our family values and morals.
    Were having a party too and taking my kids around the neighborhood real early on so we can come back here and hand out- GLOW STICKS!! Also did not want the candy around, and kids love glow sticks, especially on Hallowen not only is it healthier then junk candy but is great for safety on Halloween night, fun for kids and I know they'll all want to be using them right after they get them!

    OMG! SOLD! Glow sticks are AWESOME! That is what I'm doing! And I will wear them too! Hahahahaa! Great idea.

    Now I'm superly, over excited!

    :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:
    Were having a party too and taking my kids around the neighborhood real early on so we can come back here and hand out- GLOW STICKS!! Also did not want the candy around, and kids love glow sticks, especially on Hallowen not only is it healthier then junk candy but is great for safety on Halloween night, fun for kids and I know they'll all want to be using them right after they get them!

    OMG! SOLD! Glow sticks are AWESOME! That is what I'm doing! And I will wear them too! Hahahahaa! Great idea.

    Now I'm superly, over excited!

    :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:

    YAY! Glad to help! They really are practical for Halloween and super fun, I still have fun with glow sticks, but then again I'm a big ole kid at hearts lol and you can buy them in bulk too!

    Happy early Halloween!!:devil:
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