Taking back my body, taking back my life

I just joined myfitnesspal last week. I was just entering my foods from my phone. I knew food diaries and food tracking would break down what I put in my body, but I never thought how much the little splurges or grabbing a handful of m&m's add to my calorie intake. I have never paid attention to my calorie intake. Can I say RUDE AWAKENING!!!!!!

I never knew how many calories and sugars were in the foods I was eating.
I hope I can keep it up and get my body back so that I feel better about myself.


  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    You will. I joined this site in April, and I recently got serious about tracking what I eat and entering my exercise. As you see when you log your food it tells you how much you can possible weigh in a couple of weeks....the numbers are rewarding. Stay focused and use the site for encouragement. Trust...it helps me everyday to know that I have people in my corner that will help me along the way. Good luck and continue to stay strong.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    You can do it!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I just joined myfitnesspal last week. I was just entering my foods from my phone. I knew food diaries and food tracking would break down what I put in my body, but I never thought how much the little splurges or grabbing a handful of m&m's add to my calorie intake. I have never paid attention to my calorie intake. Can I say RUDE AWAKENING!!!!!!

    I never knew how many calories and sugars were in the foods I was eating.
    I hope I can keep it up and get my body back so that I feel better about myself.

    It is quite the rude awakening! Like you, I was guilty of grabbing a handful of this and that, here and there. Now I am SO aware of what that did to me over time. Congrats on taking the first step :)
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome! and ME TOO! While I would wait for my healthy lunch to warm up, I would snack on over 100 calories of stupid chips that were sitting out on the counter. RUDE AWAKENING I'll say. This site is great for realizing your intake and getting the portions under control. Let's get fit and slender!!!
  • pinksgirlfriend
    pinksgirlfriend Posts: 32 Member
    totally! i never kept track of calories in my life and when i started i was amazed how many calories were in the things i considered " no big deal" . this site is awesome, and i have lost over 20 pounds! lots of calorie counting and plenty of workouts at the gym...im well on my way! so good luck and stick to it , it will work. its so motivating , like the other day when i weighed myself to find out i lost 6 more pounds! keeps me going ! i have always been over weight and i never thought i over ate . the truth is most of the time i did not.it was the lack of exercise and poor food choices. now i know.
  • safari20111
    safari20111 Posts: 42 Member
    I am with you...
  • areadel
    Thanks so much for all the initial support. I know that there are diets that I can pay for, but I want to do this the old fashioned way - portion control and exercise. The ones that I have paid for, have been for short stints and then I gained the weight back because I never really changed the foods I eat.

    The problem I have with most diets is that I don't really like salads because I don't like lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers...
    I am finding that its harder to eat out at the restaurants though because everything seems to be so high in calories. I suppose it will take some time to find my groove.