What Next....

bbombard Posts: 17
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,

On Memorial Day this year I went to the beach with my wife and kids. While watching the kids play I began to scroll through some of the pictures we had taken earlier in the day. I was shocked to see how large I looked in the pictures. On the hour ride home from the beach I decided (with support from my wife) that I needed to get healthy again. The next morning I got on the scale and my suspicions were true, I weighed the most most I have ever weighed.

So I set my first goal....which was to get down to our wedding weight. A MyFitnessPal introduction, 2 and half months, and 15lbs later I hit my first goal. I immediately set my next goal which was to get down to college weight. 2 and half months and 6 lbs later I am excited to say I hit my goal this morning!!!!!! I couldnt have done it without MFP!

While I feel that I should be basking in the fact that none of my clothes fit and that i am the lowest I have been since high school, I feel a little lost. What next???????

I really dont want to lose more weight as I am at a really healthy place right now....I actually would like to put on weight in the form of muscle as I have focused on cardio the last 5 months and with all the weight gone, I feel a little weak. I need a new goal that i can focus on otherwise I feel like the weight will slowly but surely come back.... I have thought about setting a maintain goal every three months, but that just doesnt seem very inspirational or exciting. Any thoughts or experience anyone can share out there?


  • pinksgirlfriend
    pinksgirlfriend Posts: 32 Member
    congrats! i know i have lost 30 pounds and mfp has made me accountable! i love it.
  • belize32
    belize32 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I lost my weight I still go to the gym but now only 4 days a week. I do 40 minutes cardio and I have started to add weight to become firmer lol! I will not come back as long as you still go to the gym and watch what you eat.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    So, did you just diet, or do diet and exercise? I am doing both and even though I'm losing weight I am continually feeling stronger, so I am just wondering...

    Really though if you want to put on muscle, set some goals for yourself for fitness. Find a 5k somewhere near where you are and train for it. Choose a goal weight you'd like to be able to lift or bench press etc. Then once you achieve those go further, improve your running time, train for a 10k, just keep pushing your limits and challenge yourself.

    I am still really heavy and out of shape, so my goal right now is to be able to run a half mile without stopping by Christmas. It might not sound like much, but for me it is huge because I've never been able to run in my life, and even being able to run the two laps around my track that I can do right now is amazing and more than I thought I could do.

    Anyway, from all the reading I've done, to keep up maintenance it seems very important to keep goals for yourself so you are motivated to work out and eat right.
  • I am still really heavy and out of shape, so my goal right now is to be able to run a half mile without stopping by Christmas. It might not sound like much, but for me it is huge because I've never been able to run in my life, and even being able to run the two laps around my track that I can do right now is amazing and more than I thought I could do.

    Thats how i started out running,just getting around the corner,and adding small distances each time.I never thought i could get up to the distance of 11/2 miles,and like you said it dont sound much compared to many ,but its how everyone starts.

    My goal is to run 3 miles 3 times a week,mix it up with some interval training on the treadmill as well.When i first started running i would run then walk run etc,really gets a good sweat going,and think its better than running longer distances.

    You will be doing 5k soon no worries.

    good luck.
  • So, did you just diet, or do diet and exercise? I am doing both and even though I'm losing weight I am continually feeling stronger, so I am just wondering...

    I did diet and exercise. Just treadmill though. I didnt want to do weights until I lost some of the lbs. Good luck on your journey and half mile! You can do it.
  • Thanks for the ideas everyone. I think the goal is going to be "muscle tone" by this Memorial day :smile: And then I can compare the pictures that started this journey. Additionally, I like the idea of setting some weight lifting goals so that is what i am going to do.
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