Question: Muscle gain from cardio

AWorth10 Posts: 13 Member
Hello All,

I started working with a new personal trainer about 6 weeks ago. She has this great machine, which tells you how much muscle you have in each segment of your body, fat, water and then as a total. At my 6 week check, I had lost 7.7 lbs of fat and gained 8.5lbs of muscle. My total body muscle is now right where is should be in every area, according to the machine.

My questions: Is it unusual to gain that much muscle in 6 weeks, when all I'm doing is cardio? Should I expect this to slow down? Should I make changes, if my goal is to lose fat and not gain more muscle?

I'm a 42 year old woman with about 25-30lbs of fat left to lose. I have an athletic build and have always been strong vs thin, even when I'm not overweight.

Thanks for any input or suggestions!


  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    It would be unusual to gain that amount of muscle in 6 weeks doing hard-core strength training and no cardio, especially as a woman who is not morbidly obese. I'd say her machine is inaccurate. Also, doing only cardio can cause you to lose muscle while eating at a deficit, so I'd recommend adding some strength training to your routine. Your rate of loss may slow a bit, since you're limiting muscle loss, but it's easier to hold on to the muscle you have than to try to build new muscle after losing the weight. Hope this helps!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    At my 6 week check, I had lost 7.7 lbs of fat and gained 8.5lbs of muscle.

    I would be very sceptical, that's a very rapid gain while eating in deficit to lose weight.

    Notwithstanding that, some CV disciplines can help retain lean mass while in deficit, and build strength otherwise, but they're not going to lead to that level of gain. Running, rowing, swimming, cycling.

    The machine is inaccurate.
  • AWorth10
    AWorth10 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the quick feedback!
  • KarmaLaine
    KarmaLaine Posts: 37 Member
    That sounds wildly inaccurate. I wouldn't trust any trainer who thinks that's possible.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If only that was possible!
    But sadly I think it's incredible.


    impossible to believe.

    synonyms: unbelievable, beyond belief, hard to believe, scarcely credible, unconvincing, far-fetched, strained, laboured, implausible, improbable, highly unlikely, not in the least likely, questionable, dubious, doubtful, inconceivable, unthinkable, unimaginable, impossible, astonishing, astounding, breath-taking, staggering, absurd, preposterous, phenomenal, extraordinary;
  • AWorth10
    AWorth10 Posts: 13 Member
    And this is why I posted....Didn't seem possible to me, the "certified trainer" is new and I know nothing about this machine except I DON"T trust it. Thanks everyone!!