Any Black Friday-ers out there?

JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
My friend have gone out for years- the day after Thanksgiving... more like Thanksgiving night... the past 2 years, we didn't go to bed at all- some of the stores opened at 10pm.... Can't miss a deal!! :bigsmile: Yes, we are "THOSE" people!! LOL!! It's SO much fun! We laugh, make fun of people, make fun of ourselves.... it's a BLAST! We have our ads for each store, circled and starred, know the layout of each store... we are REDICULIOUS!! We know it!! That's part of the fun. We talk to people, find out what they are looking for- find their stuff too... We are so bad, that we wont let anyone go with us! We can't have anybody changing it up- we have a plan!! HAHAHAHA :laugh:

The funny thing is, we usually both have most of our shopping done by then. We just go out to have fun and be silly [stupid]!! We have gotten some fantastic finds and made friends with people we see the next year.

Any other weirdos out there like us? What is your favorite BF memory?


  • ariellespiller
    ME!!! I've only gone one time, but I went with a close friend and we shopped from 4:30 am to about 4:30 pm. It was a shopping extravaganza!!! But we got some incredible deals...definitely going every year now!
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    My sister and I go every year... We get up at the ars crack of dawn to beat the crowd. This year, I'm thinking we will start earlier (like Thursday night, late) and get a basket full of stuff. We have found to awesome deals, too! Many of them are not advertised, either! ;)
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    me too! Although last year i vowed it was the last time so i could sleep in...but i'm getting excited about the flyers/deals that will be coming out soon!! :-)
  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71
    The year I was pregnant (and HUGE) I was the first one in line at Walmart. I REALLY wanted the digital camera for when the baby arrived. I had to pee before the doors opened so one of the managers let me in, ppl started to complain. My FIL told them I just had to pee because I had been there so long :blushing:
    I've made friends in line that I run into around town during the year that will ask if I'll be there. One year I was after one of the computer, one lady sent her kids running to sit on one for me :laugh:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My mom and I Black Friday shop but we don't go to all the crazy places. We have found some stores that are always deserted on that day. I can't tell you those places because our secret would be out! It is always a great time with my mommy.
  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71
    I can't tell you those places because our secret would be out!

    Spoken like a true black friday-er :laugh:
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I can't tell you those places because our secret would be out!

    Spoken like a true black friday-er :laugh:

    ditto! :glasses:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    MY PEEEEOPLE!!!! I'VE FOOOOUND YOU!!!!!! Those are the BEST!!! We are signed up to recieve the ads early... it's SOOO much fun! I loe the un adevrtised specials too! Oh, and I wouldn't be one of the complainers about the early potty entry, I'd just want to find you in line to find out what deals you found while you were in!! haha I found one of teh 'big tv specials' sitting in an isle once- I didn't need/want it but I picked it up. Started talking to a family that had 4 kids- the parents came for this tv... ran out before they found one... I let them have the one I found. They were SOOOO happy, they almost cried. THAT made my day. We have also made friends with the front of the line people... the same ones that are there every year - they actually hae a bbq thanksgiing in the parking lot (no joke!!) we gave them $20, they got a computer coupon for my friend. She still saved $500 on the computer! Plus, we made more friends (that I'm sure we'll see again this year. Last year, they bought us Starbucks! heeheehee!

    sillygoose.... tell me your secrets!!! please!! *eyes batting- tink, tink, tink*
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I can't tell you those places because our secret would be out!

    Spoken like a true black friday-er :laugh:

    ditto! :glasses:

    Dang you!! I'm a giver, I would tell!! :flowerforyou:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I can't tell you those places because our secret would be out!

    Spoken like a true black friday-er :laugh:

    ditto! :glasses:

    Dang you!! I'm a giver, I would tell!! :flowerforyou:

    :devil: Ok. I'll tell. TJ MAxx and Ross etc., for some reason are EMPTY on black friday. They have tons of deals! I did the majority of my shopping there last year and never even had to bust out a credit card.
  • turboandrea
    I am addicted to Black Friday. One place I hit that a lot of people don't think about is PETSMART. Last year they had 50% deals and I saved $200 on stuff for the four dogs. It was amazing. Brand new beds, bones, etc, etc. For a dog mom, this was an epic deal!

    Last year at Old Navy, the discounts were disappointing for how long I stood in line. Belk is great, same with Kohls. Best Buy sells out super fast, but later in the day is GREAT for movie/DVD deals.

    I love Black Friday. My family thinks I'm nuts for waking up so early but it is SO worth it. Now I just need someone to do it with me. I've been rocking solo Black Friday for three years. I'm only 24, but I LOVE getting everything done for Christmas. Plus, well you guys know! It's just a whole experience.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    AAAWWWW!!! THANKS GOOSE!!! :blushing: :smile: :blushing:
    We have a Ross AND Marshalls in the same lot as the main stores we go to (Best Buy, Kohl's, Target, Sports Authority) We may have to check those out!! I don't think ours open early though.... that may be why we don't go in. By the time they open we are already on our 8,9,10th store!! Thanks for the tip.

    Our stores of choice always depend on what we are looking for. We do the stores above in order by opening times.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    My crazy sister, we are Canadian drives down to Watertown or Syracuse to take part in your traditional Black Friday shopping! It has been an annual tradition of hers for years.

    Sounds like alot of crazy fun and great deals.


  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I am addicted to Black Friday. One place I hit that a lot of people don't think about is PETSMART. Last year they had 50% deals and I saved $200 on stuff for the four dogs. It was amazing. Brand new beds, bones, etc, etc. For a dog mom, this was an epic deal!

    Last year at Old Navy, the discounts were disappointing for how long I stood in line. Belk is great, same with Kohls. Best Buy sells out super fast, but later in the day is GREAT for movie/DVD deals.

    I love Black Friday. My family thinks I'm nuts for waking up so early but it is SO worth it. Now I just need someone to do it with me. I've been rocking solo Black Friday for three years. I'm only 24, but I LOVE getting everything done for Christmas. Plus, well you guys know! It's just a whole experience.

    It IS the experience!! We don't do the pet store because my husband and daughter work in the vet field- so not a huge need to get discounts from a store, we can get deals on what we need anytime. As far as Old Navy, I haven't been impressed with their stuff for the past several years. It's sad cause I really like the store. We don't hit best buy unless we need electronics. (We still go in however...!!! HAHAHA) But I'm with you on Kohls. They ALWAYS have something! Last year, we bought scarves/hat/glove combos for $5! Bought a bunch of them- they are good gifts to have as 'in case' gifts! and CHEAP! I think they were $25-$35 sets. We don't have a Belk.
    Yes, we probably are nuts, but it is SO fun! A tip: don't get too many people involed, they can slow you down. But deff find someone to go with- it's much more fun! you can laugh with a friend instead of strangers.
    Have fun!!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    It's a true family tradition for us. A whole group of us (like 10) sit down on Thanksgiving and figure out what stores have what, who will be going where, what priority which things are, what to grab "just in case" at a second store, where to meet up, etc. It's a whole stategic plan and we get it down to the last detail. We have never missed a deal :)
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    joycej- you are too funny!! My Hubby LOVES to go out on Thursday night/Friday morning! I didn't even go out last year! He loves it and I have to say, I should be grateful that he is or I wouldn't have this great Macbook that I use every day! He got it for me on black Friday!!! I may go out this year, it is crazy fun!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member

    Target Early Black Friday Sale Information
    Target announced that they will be extending their Black Friday sale this year. Instead of starting online on Thanksgiving Day, they will be offering a separate 4-day sale beginning on Sunday, November 21 through the Wednesday before Black Friday which will feature more than 170 items. Then, on a Thanksgiving Day, will host an online-exclusive one-day sale with deals not found in their Black Friday ad.
    Source: Black Friday
    Published: 2010-10-28 18:38:00 GMT
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I love Black Friday! But I don't get to go shopping this year. I have to work and we are opening at midnight!
  • buggaboo73
    Every year, get up at 4 with my SIL / best friend and my neice and out we go. Hit dunkndonuts for coffee and stay out until we're ready to drop!
  • buggaboo73
    My crazy sister, we are Canadian drives down to Watertown or Syracuse to take part in your traditional Black Friday shopping! It has been an annual tradition of hers for years.

    Sounds like alot of crazy fun and great deals.



    Wow, I live near there! I am only about 50 miles south of watertown, I have family there and in cape vincent, go camping on the st lawrence all summer. Cool!!