Starting again


I introduced myself once here before but I didn't stick with my goals, so here I am again. I know every one says "this times feels different", but to me is doesn't. It feels the same, I have the same goals and all.
But this time I am determined, I have already started, made progress, I have new motivation but I lack support and friends. So that's why I wanted to introduce myself again, meet some people and truly change my life.

I'm a 25yr housewife, hubby is making the same journey and we help each other as much as we can. I want to be a healthy and active mother soon and in a few month we will be moving country, so fitting in plane seats without a belt extension is one of my goals. I have a questionable blog, I game obsessively and I adore writing.
I'm terribly shy and have trouble meeting and making friends because of it, something else I desperately need to work on.

Nice to meet you, I'm Amy.