Why Do You Want To Lose Weight



  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    To combat depression, T2D, Pcos and to look good in clothes and heck nude too.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    My reasons were/are pretty vane :embarassed:

    I was always small even after 2 kids, then I gained about 45-50 lbs in 3 years. Saw myself in a reflection and thought who's that fat chick....BIG wake up call. Still in denial, must have been a health issue...blood tests, nope healthy as can be...I did this to myself and that thought alone more than my image disgusted me. So here I am.
  • getfitwithlee
    getfitwithlee Posts: 24 Member
    Why do you want to lose weight? Why'd you start this life changing journey?

    I want to look good naked. I want to shop and have no restrictions on sizing. No one likes to be in the plus size section with all the stretchy clothes. And again i want to look good naked lol.

    I started because i was sick of not being able to job a mile without being out of breath. I was a former basketball athlete and its kind of embarrassing to see your old friends and you're the only one who is out of shape. I want to live longer and set an example for my 6 year old daughter about health and fitness.
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    After having my son I was still a full 20lbs heavier than I had ever been in my life, and 35lbs higher than my happy place. I am uncomfortable, absolutely lack confidence in myself, and have yet to find any pants besides sweat pants that fit in any reasonably comfortable manner. I want to get back to a size where I am physically and mentally comfortable so I can be a happy, healthy mother who actually wants to go places and do things!
  • Delaware_Jen
    Delaware_Jen Posts: 5 Member
    I'm tired of being tired after walking up a flight of steps. I'm hoping the "pins and needles" feeling I get sometimes in my upper left thigh will go away. I'd prefer not to get diabetes.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I have a host of self conscious issues. Most of my life I've hated everything physically about me but my weight. Was so glad I was skinny. But, a few years after starting college that changed and I got a bit bigger, still in the "normal" range, but actually borderline overweight BMI.

    So, for years I struggled trying to get back down while avoiding eating disorders. Luckily, I absolutely love food and hate vomiting so no chance of anorexia or bulimia anytime soon.

    Then, I noticed a common theme among my family. My Grandma, my dad, and ALL my sisters (3 of them), started skinny and got larger. Grandma and dad developed diabetes and sisters continue to be larger. So, health became a major concern for me in addition to pure vanity.

    TL;DR: Vanity, then health became a concern.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Health, functional strength, being able to do fun things like handstands, v-sits planche and 200 mile backpacks. I like the idea of being lean and mean and able to do a lot of gymnastic bodyweight moves while having the lean weight to do long distance hiking.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    I have been overweight all my life - until last fall when I reached a healthy weight. When I hit the obese mark januari 2013, I was so sick of feeling uncomfortable in my skin, flabby, tired, and depressed. Also, I was getting heart palpitations more frequently, and had a foot injury that I figured wasn't helped (and maybe partly caused) by my weight. Thats when I decided to just do it. Now it is mostly just for vanity - I feel comfortable in my skin (though not yet in a bikini), fitter,and pretty healthy.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I had a heart attack in January at the age of 53. I was a smoker, sat in my recliner all day due to two failed back surgeries and ate chocolate, chips and crackers all day long. It was a huge wake up call and I decided it was time to do something positive and embrace a second chance at life. I feel better than I have in 8 yrs, I am stronger and my chronic pain is no longer debilitating. I am actually grateful that I had the heart attack or I may be still sitting in my chair not participating in life.
  • sprucey85
    sprucey85 Posts: 64 Member
    Mine are:

    Want to be fit and healthy
    Fed up of being fat
    Hate clothes shopping because it's so bloody difficult to find anything in my size, seems to be really popular or they don't go that big
    I avoid having my photo taken because of being so fat so would be nice to actually look half decent in a photo for a change
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I just want to be thin for once in my this life timen and I am so disgusted by my fat thighs...but of course, I am still far away from reaching being "thin"..
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Wow, great job!

    I've had different motivation at different points of my life. Usually it was to be healthy, to be happy with how I looked ... to fit back into clothes that had gotten too tight. ;)

    When I joined MFP it was to hopefully reverse my prediabetes (which I did). I hit that goal and decided I wanted to try to lose another 8-10 lbs because I felt like I still wasn't quite where I wanted to be. I hit that goal and while I'm a little above it now, I'm still a lot happier with my health, how i look, and how clothes fit compared to even 6 lbs ago.
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    to not be the 'fat girl', to be classed as normal in this society, to feel confident naked and be attractive, but most importantly to be healthy.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    I don't technically want to lose weight. I want to develop and stick to a well balance lifestyle, which includes fitness, food and health. I also want more power, strength and muscles. Overall - just to be healthy.