
Theoretically speaking, a plain, one egg omelet would have the same amount of calories as a normal egg (eg. boiled)
However, I'm wondering whether this is actually the case.
Thanks in advance


  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    An egg is an egg is an egg but an omelet is more than an egg. Sooooo an omelet would also have additional calories based on what you put inside it. I eat an egg white omelet with diced ham and a 1/4 cup mozzarella.

    I wish it had the same calories because I bet a skittles and twizzlers omelet would be awesome.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    One egg is one's what you add to it that changes the calories. Some opt for three egg whites instead of one whole egg to lower the calories.
  • vanginmi
    vanginmi Posts: 41
    And an omelette usually is fried - dont forget to log the oil if you use it :)
  • maureen_30
    maureen_30 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes to all that about the egg being an egg... but if you can add just a wee bit of veggies (mushrooms, spinach and homemade (or no sugar added salsa), that one egg will get you far in your morning... much further than one boiled egg.