athlete in recovery looking for friends!!!

Emma97H Posts: 5 Member
Two months ago i had a serious injury at my right ankle but i want to show the world that anything is possible and want to get in better shape then ever.
I'm am positive motivating and am looking for active friends!:smile:


  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Feel free to add! I'm not really into sports, but like to run, mountain bike, workout, and eat.
  • theoden524
    theoden524 Posts: 26
    Hey Emma! I just sent you a friend request. It's great to hear you are positive and back into it!

    I'm recently back to my college weight (elliptical, eating better, etc) but hoping for some friends and motivation to get those last few pounds down and keep them down!

    - Matt
  • Emma97H
    Emma97H Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys ;)
  • mattmcmains
    mattmcmains Posts: 1 Member
    I added you as well. I'm trying to get back into shape after having some health's very tough for me to put on weight so thats what I'm shooting for... far so good! Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Love to play tennis!
  • sprucey85
    sprucey85 Posts: 64 Member
    Two months ago i had a serious injury at my right ankle but i want to show the world that anything is possible and want to get in better shape then ever.
    I'm am positive motivating and am looking for active friends!:smile:
    Sounds painful? How is your ankle? Glad to see you're not going to be defeated by an injury! I've friend requested you.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Recovering from a cracked ankle bone here! Can't wait to get running again.
  • Hi!
    Two months ago i had a serious injury at my right ankle but i want to show the world that anything is possible and want to get in better shape then ever.
    I'm am positive motivating and am looking for active friends!:smile:

    Something similar happened to me last October. I hit a weight loss milestone, reaching 246 pounds from 362 by counting calories and distance cycling. I got hit by a car and put out of commission. In the process, my weight went back to 290. I'm a recovering athlete and I'm back at it! One step at a time, one turn of the crank at a time. The past is in the past. It's a new day!
  • running4thehigh
    running4thehigh Posts: 144 Member
    Yikes, add me too - tore a ligament in my ankle more than two and a half months ago.
    The recovery's been sloooow and painful! I could use some motivation as well!
  • Nasty! Add me too anyone...have got a current injury which I hope will clear soon:)
  • HawtProwl
    HawtProwl Posts: 2
    I went through a horrific knee injury a few years back & because of lack of insurance, I pretty much had to do all my own physical therapy. I had a few people who were uplifting, but most people were very doom & gloom, saying that I would never make a 100% recovery. I was so worried I would never be able to do my favorite activities anymore. Let me give you a word of advice: while you are going through this healing period, try not to get down on yourself or frustrated about what you can't do, but rather, focus on all the things you can do! I promise, everyday you will be able to add 1 more thing to the list. Even if it is just a little thing, feel pride in yourself, because you aren't giving up & accepting defeat. Godspeed!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    My profile picture shows it all :-( Almost four months ago I suffered a severe Jones Fracture. Still not walking, zero weight bearing. It sucks big time. I miss the gym, hiking, biking, swimming and walking my dogs.

    Add me. We'll be gimping together.