Hi MFP's!

My name is Steven. I'm not new on here. But I wanted to get the attention of members on this site that have a Hypothyroid problem. I do and was diagnosed about 3 years ago. I started taking Armour Thyroid meds at 30 mg's now I've gone upto 90 mgs. I hope the more weight I lose the less meds I will need. It would be great to have all friends but also if you have this same issue add me! ;)


  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    diagnosed 7 or 8 years ago. will send you a friend request.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I was diagnosed over 10 years ago!

  • skdk833
    skdk833 Posts: 51 Member
    I have hashimoto thyroiditis and nodules. My thyroid is now gone, but I am on meds forever. I also try to keep myself at the lowest dose. I will friend you also. Hope you except!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I was just recently diagnosed as borderline and they wont medicate yet I have to wait until Jan for them to test again... They (military drs) don't seem to understand that gaining 20+ lbs in a month is not normal... so frustrating.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi Steven! I was diagnosed about 3 years ago as well. These days I take Thyroid, which I mail order from Canada because I got sick of trying to find Armor in the states and I had a lot of problems after the reformulation. I wish I could tell you that you will need less hormone as you lose weight, but in my experience it just doesn't work that weigh. However, the higher dose I take (I recently was bumped up to 120mg), the easier time I have with symptoms, namely fatigue and my weight. The good news is you're taking the absolute best possible treatment for the condition, a dessicated thyroid product. Natural and balanced. The stuff literally gives you your life back. I know.

    Sending you a friend request. :flowerforyou:
  • MammaLlama
    Hi guys. This is my first post here. I just got diagnosed this week and today was only my 2nd day of taking meds. Two weeks ago I started P90X and counting calories here for the first time. I haven't lost weight yet or noticed a difference in myself, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel, either. I don't know what to say, since this is all new to me, except that I wish you all good health and I welcome anyone who wants to add me as a friend.
  • teresacampbell
    hi iam teresa and i have been on synthroid for years ,seems it is harder to lose weight.
  • Bluediesel
    Thanks everyone for your response. I have noticed that when sticking to the program of eating healthy and exercising the pounds do drop off. I noticed when ever I cheat the pounds jump on faster then lightening. It sucks so bad but I have to deal with it due to my Thyroid.
  • bretay
    bretay Posts: 8
    Hi,I am not exactly new here.I haven't been on board in about a year or so.But I have been diagnosed with Borderline Hypothyroid years ago.Dr told me that I would always have a problem losing weight.I have gained and lost so many times.Tired of that.I started my LAST diet in June of 2010.I have since lost about 71 lbs.Gained 4 back over the last few days.Don't know why.I started at 275,got down to 194,it was stuck for 4 weeks.Then I gain 4 lbs,how?Who knows.I have got to get it moving again.My blood pressure used to be at my highest weight 117/70.Well now it runs like 85/56.I had completely cut out all sodium,big mistake for me.When I did,my bp dropped lower and I started passing out.I guess I'm just falling apart with age.But,the weight has got to go.I need any ideas I can get.Any ideas for raising the thyroid without the meds that I can't get from Dr?What is the best diet to be on for the thyroid problem?Thanks in advance to all answers.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks everyone for your response. I have noticed that when sticking to the program of eating healthy and exercising the pounds do drop off. I noticed when ever I cheat the pounds jump on faster then lightening. It sucks so bad but I have to deal with it due to my Thyroid.

    Bingo. You described my situation EXACTLY. It'll come off fine with work (diet and exercise) but many of us in this hypothyroid boat no longer have any wiggle room. I can gain ten pounds in a single week by just not being careful -- and I mean no intentional junking out or binging of any kind. Just eating like I did in my 20's (prethyroid).

    It's no fun, but it is manageable. Hang in there ... and remember you have lots of company.

    Good luck to you!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    I know what you mean about having to be careful. I began having thyroid problems 12 years ago but was misdiagnosed and it wasn't until 6 years ago that I began to get my life back...Went from 285 to 185 in a little over a year eating right and taking medication...Two years ago my mom passed and I stopped being careful and active...so I got back to 224....

    I'm now at 212. But I think I need to get a med adjustment... Feeling fatigued most of the time.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I was diagnosed 6 or so years ago now. My medication levels seem to be in constant fluctuation. My Dr has told me that it in theory should be weight dependant. That said I lost 100lbs and my levels have barely changed. :noway: I gained back 20lbs in 6 months by completely going off track. Very frustrating that it comes back so quickly, but it just means I have to be more diligent.
  • razlendazle09
    I was diagnosed 9 years ago when i was 11. My meds are up to 175mg and still going lol, it does suck big time. A few years ago my meds where so off, it was like I wasn't even taking them. This caused me to gain like 40 lbs in 2 months, exercising and everything, not knowing what was going on! But good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    If you're in the "I'm on Synthroid and I'm still tired, fat, miserable, etc." boat, do yourself a favor and demand your doctor switch you to natural dessicated thyroid. If your doctor responds that it's hard to get in the US, reply that you can order it from Canada (http://www.universaldrugstore.com). If your doctor gives you some crap story that it's harmful, ineffective, etc., get a different doctor. I'm serious as a heart attack.
  • sharper43
    If you're in the "I'm on Synthroid and I'm still tired, fat, miserable, etc." boat, do yourself a favor and demand your doctor switch you to natural dessicated thyroid. If your doctor responds that it's hard to get in the US, reply that you can order it from Canada (http://www.universaldrugstore.com). If your doctor gives you some crap story that it's harmful, ineffective, etc., get a different doctor. I'm serious as a heart attack.

    Agreed! I was on Synthroid for many years and did not feel well. I found an alternative medicine doctor that switched me to all natural Armour, and I feel so much better! I still struggle with loosing weight, but I'm not tired anymore. I can actually go through the whole day without needing a nap. I cannot recommend Armour enough to hypo peeps!
  • nacolefrisbie
    Im new!!! I also have thyroid problems...About 7 years now!! I try and think I dont need my med. I do!!! If I dont take it I quickly will gain weight!! I was off my meds and now im trying to lose the extra pounds I have put on....
  • nacolefrisbie
    Keep taking your meds... I dont like to take meds and have learned that I really will need to take this med. for the rest of my life. Its hard to lose weight and VERY easy to put it on!!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    WOW I had no idea there are so many of us thyroid sufferers on here! It's good for support, to know you're not alone. I was diagnosed with graves in 2002 and have been on meds every since they gave me radioactive iodine to stop the production of my thyroid gland. Just recently having a hard time getting levels stable so going to see an endocrinologist on Tuesday. Some of my side effects lately have been tiredness, depression, fogginess in the brain, having a hard time choosing the right words, not being able to remember simple things, and more. I'm ready to get this straightened out!!!
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I am waiting for an ultrasound and other tests for a growth on my thyroid but it looks like they will probably be taking it out ... would love to have a friend who is also dealing with this ... will send a friend request.