Back again!

Hi Everyone or perhaps I should be writing Hi again. I am coming back to MFP to help me reach my goal weight. I had a baby last May and as of the one year mark I have only managed to have dropped 10 pounds. I also just turned 30. I had big plans of ringing in this monumental birthday a slimmer healthier version of myself, in fact, the best version of myself yet. However, that is not the case. I signed up for a mud race four months ago as well for two reasons. One, because I thought it would push me (scare me) into my goals and secondly because I have never done a race before and have always wanted to. I now only have until September to get into shape for that! Boy, do I have my work cut out for me! With all this being said, I am looking for some great support and to help support others. I think what has made me unsuccessful in the past is my lack of commitment and frustration when I am not seeing results. So, I give up. Say what the heck and feed into a horrible craving and then all of that landslides into me not wanting to log and one day turns into months and zero results.