


  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    "its too much of an effort to log what i eat - you obviously have too much time on your hands" - yeah i work full time, have a toddler, exercise 6 days a week and log all my food - of course I gave up watching hours of tv to do it!

    "I dont have time to eat right or exercise" - but you have enough time to watch all those tv shows and go on facebook! Seriously I dont understand that - I record the tv shows I want to watch and watch them when its convenient for me.
  • Heatherybit
    Heatherybit Posts: 91 Member
    It's genetic, there is nothing I can do about it.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    "i'm a real runner even though i just run on a treadmill."

    "I am one of the nicest people you'll meet--even though i look for ways to divide and diminish people rather than unify and edify them."
  • AlexJFT96
    AlexJFT96 Posts: 11 Member
    'I can't lose weight. It's genetic' - My personal favorite
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Someone once told me that she couldn't lose weight because she was big boned. :huh:
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    "I want to lose weight but I cant find the motivation/energy, etc."

    Bull**** - what you want is a magical solution without putting in the effort.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    "I have to have my sweets (everyday)"

    My whine: I have a friend who weighs 199lb and is always talking about how she has trouble walking. Letting her know that losing 50 lb might be an idea doesn't work. Well, you make choices about being friends, so I keep my mouth shut.
  • milyba
    milyba Posts: 49
    My post was reported on MFp yes MFp.... For having a business that's advertises...I was so pissed I was like I'm not advertising I'm fat, I have real friends. I was livid..
    I still have no business and I'm still pissed lol
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    It's ok for you...- why? I work full time, have 3 kids, with many after school activities...

    Im going to start.... (insert mythical day / date)

    I don't have time....

    It's too expensive... I shop at aldi / like for my cheap veggies / fruit. I have a council gym membership, by going twice a week it pays for itself.

    I don't know why I keep gaining weight....

    It's too hard... it is hard to lose weight, it's also hard to maintain and hard to be fat, choose your hard.

    Sorry think period one is legit.... but do make sure chocolate binge is in my calories.
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    Ive tried every diet and nothing works for me. Not true!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'll go into starvation mode!!!

    I'm too busy! (Try cutting calories when you've got time on your hands then, that's easier. NOT!)

    The kids will be deprived without their snacks.

    I can't afford it.

    I can't make my own lunch because I caaaant find any tupperwaaaaaaaare:sad: (this is one of mine)
  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    'Help, I have to lose weight, advices that are not 'use less oil or eat less bread' I can't eat my food if it's not dripping in olive oil or if I can't eat at least 250 gr of bread each meal, I don't like it' (my dad)

    I don't have a magic wand, dad.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Oh don't forget, it's harder when your older..

    And the classic about your fat cells never being able to return to small once you've been fat...
  • muppet1501
    muppet1501 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm starting on Monday, so I'm going to enjoy the rest of the week by eating anything I want and eat and drink loads at the weekend cos I've got to 'be good' after that.

    I'm going to a bbq so I can't not eat the sausages and burgers etc cos it'd be rude not to.

    I've paid for it so I'm going to eat all of it - don't want to waste my money do I?

    It's a carvery, we're supposed to pile our plates up - it's in the rules.

    Yes my bf always uses the excuse "i don't like wasting food ive paid for"
  • muppet1501
    muppet1501 Posts: 46 Member
    The one I hear from men mainly ( not being sexist here). I don't need to diet I can lose 2lb by going toilet. ( not pleasant but they actually said it) but then eat food that would help them gain in excess to that!!
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    Myself to a friend trying to convince me to start MFP "No, I see how you are eating, I could't do that, I love food too much!" (ashamed now, and thanked many times my friend :) )
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    "I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks, and now I'm only losing a pound a week. This isn't working. I give up" - all over the forums.
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    "You're so lucky that you find exercise easy" -> yep I just fell out of bed one day and found I could run a marathon.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Must admit that I've used the excuse that 'I'm to tired' before.

    Another one I've said is 'it's too cold' - not for exercising outside, but too cold to undress and exercise INSIDE!
  • ironrenny
    ironrenny Posts: 14 Member
    "I worked out for a hour today so I definitely can eat 20 chicken McNuggets."