I ran for the first time in years!!

Jillis Posts: 13
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise

I ran for the first time in years, the day before yesterday,

It was scary, my fat had its own life and went up and down all over the place,

But it was a relief at the same time, a feeling of future freedom,

i ran for 1 minute, then took a break for 30 sec, then ran 1 min, then a 1 min break, then ran 30 sec,
then again,

hehe but i did it :laugh:


  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    CONGRAT to you...... :happy:
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Way to gooooo!!!!! that was your first step and everyday it becomes a little easier and the longer you will go! great job!
  • Good for you. I used to run as well and sometimes have dreams that I'm running again. Walking is the best I can do now but would love to jog...someday!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I just started running too! I'm over 200lbs and faithfully running my pudgy *kitten* off!

    I'm on Week 2 Day 3 of C25K.
  • rlp2010
    rlp2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Just be careful, I am not sure of your age or health but I hadn't ran for years and thought it would be great to start again. I have two stress fractures in my legs. The pain was horrible and I am not suppose to use my legs for 6 weeks (but I feel better so..). Anyway just pay attention to your body and ask your doctor before you start heavy running. I wish you the very best.
  • Shabow
    Shabow Posts: 2
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    That's fantastic. Have you heard of the couch to 5K program? It's just a little guide for beginner runners that lots of people on the site have found helpful :)
  • Jillis
    Jillis Posts: 13
    wow thanks all!!!
    Yeah i will be carefull,
    i will take a look at the pogram from couch to 5k , thanks for the tip!!!

    yeah it is scary, but i feel abit braver :)

    thanks all:)
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