Plateau help

Hi all,

Just wanted to see who'd have some tips for me to get out of this dreaded plateau...I've been stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks. I even juiced for 7 days... and nothing.

I try to eat sensibly: egg whites in the AM, lean protein for lunch (fish, or chicken) around 4 oz. a green salad and no dressing, then dinner (repeat lunch).

I hardly work out or do cardio ( i know) but I remember reading somewhere that exercise doesn't help anybody lose weight? ( don't blame me for this, I actually read an article).

Im looking to lose 10 pounds (which i've gained in the past year or so) ..... any plans out there that have broken your plateaus, tips, ideas, tricks....would be greatly appreciated.

CW: 129
GW: 120


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you're in a plateau, something in your routine needs to change. How many calories/day are you eating? Exercise certainly helps you lose weight and reduce your body fat %. At this point, I would suggest that you start to do weight lifting/resistance training. It's great for boosting your metabolism and burning through tons of calories. Do you track your body fat % and body measurements?

  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    A plateau is usually months not weeks... you may be 'losing' and 'gaining' the same weight. It doesn't sound like you're eating many cals at all, maybe increase them and start doing some exercise (definitely recommend weight/resistance training)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Three weeks time is not enough time to freak out. Hormones, sodium, water, and bowel changes cause weight loss to vary. Keep with your same routine for a few more weeks.
  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    A plateau is usually months not weeks... you may be 'losing' and 'gaining' the same weight. It doesn't sound like you're eating many cals at all, maybe increase them and start doing some exercise (definitely recommend weight/resistance training)

    I know I'm not "losing" my clothes tell me so. the scale? tells me the same thing too. Body fat? has increased as well....i have a scale that more or less tells you the fat percentage and water percentage... everything has gone up :-(

    Im eating about 800 cals to 1000 cals a day (and apparently this is only enough to maybe maintain the weight i have right now)

    if i increase calories I'm afraid I'm going to keep gaining ..... more than i already have.

    i know people say "eat more" but I'm not so sure
  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    Three weeks time is not enough time to freak out. Hormones, sodium, water, and bowel changes cause weight loss to vary. Keep with your same routine for a few more weeks.

    i guess i will have to keep at it. it's just frustrating when you've been a certain size for years and all of a sudden you're clothes don't fit anymore!! (ok i might be exaggerating slightly but my clothes are tighter) it not a nice feeling. And that frustrates me!!!

    anyways,, thanks for the comment :-)
  • najranforever
    najranforever Posts: 13 Member
    Hi ,,,

    did you tried eating Tuna at AM??

    Tuna is rich in Vitamin D which we usually gain it when we go out in the open sun.
  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    Hi ,,,

    did you tried eating Tuna at AM??

    Tuna is rich in Vitamin D which we usually gain it when we go out in the open sun.

    I actually take vitamin D supplements 5000 IU

    my D levels are good ...
  • muppet1501
    muppet1501 Posts: 46 Member
    Have you updated your nutrition levels/calories etc? I also agree your not eating enough and maybe a varied diet may be beneficial as well. A balanced diet really needs to be something of every food group and what you have specified there is no carbs. Now I know people like to reduce carbs but this is vital in a healthy lifestyle due to giving the body long term energy resources. This may then help you to incorporate fitness, even if its something simple as walking up and down the stairs.


    H x