Wanting to be fit at 60

Hi everyone So my goal is to get as fit and trim as possible by the time I hit 60 in 3 months time - yikes! I do a 1 hour Pilates class each week and walk between. 3 to 5 miles every day. I know I need more cardio and strength exercise but hate going to the gym. I have just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which I am finding tough but am sticking with it and am on day 6. Want to lose about 18lbs by reducing calories and eating healthily. Have been vegetarian for 35 years but have a weakness for puddings, chocolate and wine. Looking forward to using this site to help me achieve my goals.


  • pawsnpurrs
    pawsnpurrs Posts: 39
    Hi I just turned 61 this month and want to get back in shape. I am trying to learn to be a raw food person gluten free low carb Its getting hot in AZ 107 F so I need to switch to cold salads and relearn cooking skills to be vegan Animal protein does not agree with me and the cruel factor in slaughter houses is terrible..I do eat cheese and eggs..though.. I could learn a lot of vegan recipes from your experience and what a person does wrong or right when they switch to a vegan diet.. love to chat back and forth if your time permits