Lazy Girl...HELP!



  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    Having battled depression myself in my younger years and having been guilty of "laziness" also - I would suggest to you that you are not "lazy" but engaged in a fight or flight response. You feel overwhelmed by what you need to get accomplished, so you "flee" from it by escaping into television etc.

    this is a mental issue, meaning you have to be willing to restructure how you think and behave - you can overcome these tendencies, but the big lesson is not an "all or nothing" attitude. Are you a perfectionist? Do you see these "ideal" images of how you should be in your mind and feel like you'll never get there anyway? That's why you give up.

    Instead of tackling Everest - put one foot in front of the other. The times you feel like moving the least, are the times you need it the most. Exercise - even in small amounts, will start to shift your overall energy physically, mentally and emotionally. You will start to feel better. Go for a 10 minute walk every day next week. - a challenge when you don't feel like it, but still doable. When you accomplish that goal - tack 5 more minutes on the following week. etc. Make it small, semi-challenging but doable goals at first and then build.

    Do this in other problem areas. Whole house is a mess? Pick one corner of one room - declutter it. Progress around that room and then move on to the next one. Baby steps - little goals. Remember it's the little goals that add up to the big stuff over time. It's hard to stick with anything when you feel like you're at the bottom of a mountain looking up - instead start walking and pay attention to the steps you are taking now - put your full energy into your small current goals. Eventually you'll be up that mountain and you'll feel very proud of yourself along the way.

    Friend me if you need some mental/emotional support. I've been there and you can learn to work around it.
  • nstock
    nstock Posts: 135 Member
    I think most people enjoy being lazy. I am a procrastinator when it comes to chores, laundry, whatever isn't fun really, but I always get it done. I hate being bored and wasting time, which is why i work 7 days a week lol. Here's the thing... it all comes down to how bad you want it. If you want to make a change, you'll do it. You'll hit the gym, clean the house, do your laundry, whatever it is. If it bothers you so much and you're so aware of it, make an effort to change. Being lazy is just another excuse (not to sound harsh). Don't waste your life being lazy, be productive. I guarantee once you start feeling the highs of completing things you'll wanna keep doing it!

    --> just saw you have severe depression... i would suggest seeking professional help, it's not just an issue of being lazy if that's the case!
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    I would recommend that you check out FLY lady. She has an awesome website, sends emails with daily tasks, and helps you get on a schedule to keep clean. FLY stands for "finally loving yourself", which I think is an great way to look at it. I don't follow her program religiously, but some of her hints have stuck with me--doing something for 15 minutes at a time to avoid being overwhelmed, doing one load of laundry a day (which sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't!) I don't know if posting a link in the boards is ok (I don't have any affiliation, I swear!) but her website is flylady dot net.

    FLY Lady is great! I don't keep up with all her things but she does have some great advice!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    HabitRPG is a fun to do list. You make an avatar and get "gold" coins for doing you chores. It may motivate you out of your chair.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    Options I have no other issues than lazy sometimes so I plan on getting one of these to try out - at least get some fun out of it which will give you props for doing tasks!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I have a tendency to be lazy, also. I've adopted a "for five minutes" philosophy. Instead of telling myself I'll do something IN 5 minutes, I do it FOR 5 minutes. I used to set a timer, even, so I could go back to being lazy the moment those 5 minutes were up. Now I don't, and I have a greater tendency to finish my task before lazy-butting. I also agree with the previous poster, about checking out flylady, though even that I wasn't able to stick with. :laugh:

    Also, if you're suffering from depression, have you considered speaking with a therapist or your doctor about it? I lost my job over depression once upon a time (and our house looked... well... I wont even go there!), and I know how debilitating it can be. The good news is, exercise is an incredible antidepressant! Chances are, if you get yourself moving, you'll experience fewer depression symptoms. Still, worthy of speaking to your doctor about.

    Good luck! Go do something for 5 minutes. :wink:

    I could have written this myself. I often set my phone timer for five minutes in a room and then move on to the next, doing a little circuit. In my most extreme lazy times I reduce the time further. I've gone as low as 30 seconds, alternating a task I absolutely did not want to do (study Mandarin) with a task that seemed like a great diversion (clean the kitchen). I'm about to use it right now to do some fiscal year end tax crap that I have been procrastinating doing for forever. BUT keeping busy isn't the perfect solution to losing weight, tracking your calories and staying with a small but consistent deficit is.